Chapter 7: Ethnicities Unit 4
Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? Ethnicity = from the Greek ethnikos, meaning “national” Ethnicities share a cultural identity with people from the same homeland Ethnicities have distinctive cultural traits Origin Race = people who share a biological trait Nationality: identity with a group of people who share legal attachment to a particular country.
Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? Introducing ethnicities Discrimination Preference due to past patterns of discrimination Should ethnic identities be preserved, protected, and encouraged?
Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? Ethnicities in the U.S. Hispanic Americans = 17% Latino/Latina, Chicano/Chicana Which group could be excluded from this category? African American = 12% Asian American = 5% American Indian/Native Hawaiian/Alaskan Native = 2%
Distribution of Hispanics in the United States
Distribution of African Americans in the United States
Distribution of Asian Americans in the United States
Distribution of Native Americans in the United States
Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? Ethnicity and Race What’s the difference? Racism—race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Racist—a person who subscribes to the beliefs of racism
Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? Ethnic Enclaves Examples: Many times connected to chain migration
Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? International Migrations of Ethnicities Forced migration from Africa Triangular slave trade Voluntary migration from Latin America and Asia
Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? Internal Migration of African Americans Interregional migration: South to northern cities during first half of the 20th century Sharecropper/sharecropping = new form of slavery Areas of interregional migration: East Coast East Central West Central Southwest
Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? Internal Migration of African Americans Intraregional migration: Inner-city ghettos to outer-city and inner suburban neighborhoods during second half of 20th century White Flight—emigration of whites from an area in anticipation of blacks immigrating into the area. Blockbusting—real estate agents convinced white homeowners to sell their houses at low prices, preying on their fears that black families would soon move into the neighborhood and cause property values to decline
Why Do Ethnicities Have Distinctive Distributions? Segregation by Race United States: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Jim Crow Laws Brown v. Board of Ed (1954) De Jure— De Facto— South Africa: Apartheid—the legal separation of races into different geographic areas 4 Government-designated races: black, white, colored (mixed white and black), Asian Nelson Mandela and the election of 1994
Why Might Ethnicities Face Conflicts? Ethnicities and Nationalities Nationality—identifies citizens of a country Includes those born there and those that immigrated Ethnicity—groups with distinct ancestry and culture Sometimes these can be harder to discern, especially in the U.S. Ethnicity and Nationality in the UK: English, Welsh, Scots, Irish
Why Might Ethnicities Face Conflicts? Ethnicities and Nationalities Nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nationality Promotes a sense of pride, puts one national above all others, emphasizes its culture and interests superior Centripetal Forces: those that unite Examples: Centrifugal Forces: those that tear apart
Why Do Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Occur? Ethnic Cleansing—purposeful policy designated by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the population of another ethnic/religious group from certain geographic areas Meant to rid an area on an entire ethnicity so that the remaining group can be the sole inhabitants Not meant to just defeat and subjugate, want to remove the group completely Genocide—the mass killing of a group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence
Why Do Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Occur? Forced migration in Europe Largest forced migration to occur in Europe was during WWII Jews, gypsies/Roma, other ethnic groups Genocide also occurred Multiethnic Yugoslavia Ethnic Cleansing in Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo and Croatia Balkanization—process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities Balkanized—small geographic area that could not be organized into stable countries because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, antagonisms toward each other
Why Do Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Occur? Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in Africa Sudan Rwanda