We have been invited to take part in one of the most prestigious writing competitions in Hong Kong, Junior Writers Awards The purpose is to encourage young writers to express their ideas from multi-dimensional perspectives inspired by analytical, creative and lateral thinking and to arouse secondary school students awareness and reflection on prevalent issues.
Topic: Junior Group (11-13) : What is my role in the society? Intermediate Group (14-16) : What does Rule of Law have to do with me? Criteria: - Must be written in English, students are to write a response to the assigned topic with critical, analytical, logical and lateral thinking in mind. - Between 600 – 800 (J) / (I) words.
Judging Criteria: - Originality and persuasiveness (30%) - Analytical skills (15%) - Support of reason/evidence (10%) - Writing techniques, technical accuracy and verbal skills (30%) - Style of writing (15%)
Prizes: - Champion: - Sponsorship for an Oxford University Exchange Tour (valued at $42,600) -The Greatest Pen Championship trophy - Published in the SCMP Young Post. - Runner Up: - Cash prize of $3000, a trophy and your work will be published in the SCMP Young Post. - 2 nd Runner Up: - Cash prize of $2000, a trophy and your work will be published in the SCMP Young Post. - Top 100: eslite VIP Membership Card and a Certificate of Merit. These writing pieces will be published in an anthology.
Role as a student Role as a friend Role as a family member Role as a member of your school community Role as a team player Role as a class member WHAT IS YOUR
Rule of Law: the influence and authority of law within society - You as a person? - You as a citizen? - Your society? - Any incidents that show the Rule of Law in Hong Kong? What do you think about them?