WG Integrated Testing in Pilot River Basins


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Presentation transcript:

WG 4.1 - Integrated Testing in Pilot River Basins Progress Report for the Strategic Co-ordination Group September 2002 Meeting Project description (Task Packages): TP1. Co-ordination TP2. Selection of Pilot River Basins TP3. Exchange platform among MS 3.1. Survey of existing activities 3.2. Organise information exchange TP4. Integrated testing of various guidance approaches 4.1 Proficiency in using guidance documents 4.2 Integration of Guidance Documents 4.3 Additional requirements to meet the WFD 4.4 Evaluation of programme of measures 4.5 Development of River Basin Management Plans TP5. Dissemination of results

TP2. Selection of Pilot River Basins Proposals endorsed by the Water Directors at the June 2002 meeting in Valencia B, F, NL (Scheldt), D, F, Lux (Moselle-Sarre) France (Marne) Ireland (Shannon) Denmark (Odense) Finland (Oulujoki) Portugal (Guadiana) Spain (Júcar) Greece (Pinios) Hungary (Szamos) CZ, D, PL (Neisse) New proposals from Italy: Tevere, Cecina

Issues to be clarified For the Scheldt: Situation of the INTERREG proposal For the Szamos and the Neisse: Present situation concerning the commitment of the countries concerned (Hungary, Romania, and Poland, Czech Republic, Germany) For the Tevere and the Cecina: Need of additional information on the proposed PRBs

TP3. Organise an Information Exchange Platform Action I Overview of projects carried out in each country on testing at river basin scale relevant to the implementation of the WFD. Questionnaire sent to authorities and scientific institutions in MS through WG 4.1. Information on some 40-50 projects available on CIRCA. Action II Workshop (27-28 June 2002, Orta, Italy) “Establishing the Basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins” The Workshop reviewed the PRB proposals and discussed how to conduct an integrated validation of the Guidance Documents with direct involvement of co-ordinators of PRB activities and WG leaders.

“Establishing the Basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins” TP3. Organise an Information Exchange Platform Workshop (27-28 June 2002, Orta, Italy) “Establishing the Basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins” Working Group presentations. All Action 2 and 3 WGs were represented, and copies of all Guidance Documents were available to the participants. Description of PRBs (team resources, envisaged work) to be used for integrated testing. Detailed presentations were made of each of the Pilot River Basins, including site description (size of watershed, population, major pressures), authority responsible for testing, time frame, budget and personnel foreseen.

“Establishing the Basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins” TP3. Organise an Information Exchange Platform Workshop (27-28 June 2002, Orta, Italy) “Establishing the Basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins” What integrated testing of GD means? To scope the problem of integrated testing the meeting discussed what integrated testing of GD means, how to carry it out, how to compare results, setting up of PRB expert network, organisation of information exchange, feedback mechanism and integration into WFD CIS process. In general the discussion revolved around a) what are we expecting from the output of the PRB testing? b) how do we ensure the build-up of PRB network interactions? Conclusions. It was agreed that a position paper (Terms of Reference, ToR) should be developed identifying and defining the different factors needed to establish the basis for Testing in Pilot River Basins.  Drafting group meeting, JRC 11th July

Terms of Reference (ToR) The Integrated Testing is expected to be a front-runner of the actual implementation, with focus on Key Issues felt to be of particular relevance. The objectives of the integrated testing are set around two deadlines: the first covering the 2002-mid 2004 period, and the second aiming at the end of 2005.

Terms of Reference (ToR) A phased approach: Phase I: Focus on testing of Key Issues, set up an on-line dynamic feedback and information exchange, and identify new Issues as the testing process evolves and additional cross cutting problems appear. The time frame of Phase 1 goes till mid 2004, concentrating primarily on issues in the Guidance Documents related to the reporting commitments on Article 5 due March 2005.

Terms of Reference (ToR) A phased approach (cont.): Phase II: Develop a comprehensive manual including all experience gained, problems faced and solutions proposed leading to a potential revision of the GDs. Continuation of information exchange. The manual should describe the implementation process through the various stages, from preliminary set-up and information gathering to the actual testing of the guidance and recommendation for improvement of the GDs. The second phase will end during the third quarter of 2005.

Terms of Reference (ToR) A phased approach (cont.): Phase III: Extend the integrated testing to issues in the Guidance Documents not considered in the previous Phases and contribute to producing a Program of Measures and a River Basin Management Plan. Possible merging of activities between WG 4.1 and 2.9. The work envisaged during this Phase would initiate during the second half of 2004.

Terms of Reference (ToR) Timetable: Finalise ToR by 15th October Platform information exchange by the end of the year 2nd Workshop in Spring 2003

Issues for comment by the SCG Clarification on several PRBs proposed by Member States and Candidate Countries: the Scheldt, Neisse, Szamos, Tevere and Cecina. Point of view on ToR document.