What organisms based on oxygen requirements produce the enzyme SOD?
What organisms based on oxygen requirements produce the enzyme SOD? Obligate aerobe Facultative anaerobe Aerotolerant anaerobe
What organisms based on oxygen requirements produce the enzyme catalase?
What organisms based on oxygen requirements produce the enzyme catalase? Obligate aerobes Facultative anaerobes
What is the chemical reaction catalyzed by catalase?
What is the chemical reaction catalyzed by catalase? 2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2
What are obligate halophiles?
What are obligate halophiles? Require high salt to grow
What are psychrophiles?
What are psychrophiles? Cold-loving organisms Grow best at optimal temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius
What organisms based on temperature grow best on you?
What organisms based on temperature grow best on you? mesophiles
What is selective media?
What is selective media? Contains an inhibitor Selects for the growth of only certain microorganisms
What type of media is blood agar?
What type of media is blood agar? Enrichment and differential
How do you classify organisms that grow best at very high temperatures?
How do you classify organisms that grow best at very high temperatures? Hyperthermophiles
Label the following growth curve
What chemical is found in reducing media and what is reducing media used for?
What chemical is found in reducing media and what is reducing media used for? Sodium thioglycolate It can be used to grow anaerobes, as well as organisms with other oxygen requirements