FRLP Proposed Boundary Line Adjustment: Confluence Virginia Confluence [kon-floo-uhns] noun 4. A coming together of people or things; concourse What life have you if you have not life together? There is no life that is not in community. - T.S. Eliot
Confluence Virginia Part 1: Community Growth… The Town, County, and State will continue to grow… “In order to effectively develop a plan or vision for the County’s future, it is important to understand where the County has been, where it is now, and where it is headed.” (County Comprehensive Plan, page 2 – 1) William “Bill” Barnett
Confluence Virginia Background: “Past population growth has been consistent and has favored the County, which has added between 5 and 6 thousand persons per decade since 1970.” (County Comprehensive Plan) .
Confluence Virginia The County has consistently added between 2300-3000 new residential units per decade since 1970… What has changed is how – and where – the County is growing.
The County has projected that its population would grow to 65,000 persons in 2025. (County Space facilities needs analysis, 2006). The question is not if the Community will continue to grow – but where – and how?
Part 2: FRLP Proposed Boundary Adjustment Confluence Virginia Part 2: FRLP Proposed Boundary Adjustment “Objective: Coordinate the County’s and the Town of Front Royal’s growth and management plans.” (County Comprehensive Plan) Joseph F. Silek Esq.
Legal Overview: FRLP Petition for Boundary Line Adjustment (Submitted with Virginia Commission on Local Government on September 20th, 2012.) INITIAL TOWN POSITION – No conditions or assurances on Annexation. Do a friendly BLA. Town needs: Control over design aspects/ infrastructure of the project. INITIAL COUNTY POSITION – County would like assurances as to # of units, type, and community fiscal contributions. Do a VSA with conditions on future use and contributions. County needs: Assurances as to total build-out/ Community contributions.
Confluence Virginia Legal Overview: There are 3 ways that the Boundary Line Adjustment process could proceed The parties agree to a friendly BLA pursuant to Va. Code 15.2-3107. The parties agree to a VSA pursuant to Va. Code 15.2- 3400. Alternatively, if we can not reach an agreement… We could ‘stay the BLA course’ initiated by FRLP pursuant to Va. Code 15.2-3103. This would be the most contentious and costliest route for all parties.
Part 3: Community Design: Respect and Care for the Natural Environment Joe Duggan
Confluence Virginia Community Design: Environmentally sensitive development incorporates water quality and water quantity planning into development plans… From day 1.
Community Design: Respect and Care for our Natural Environment Confluence Virginia Community Design: Respect and Care for our Natural Environment 4 Communities – situated around the sites natural features and drainage systems to minimize future impacts on the watershed and to utilize these areas as future recreation and open space amenities.
Community Design: Respect and Care for our Natural environment Confluence Virginia Community Design: Respect and Care for our Natural environment Community’s 1, 2, and 3 will consist of a maximum of 818 single family detached homes on approximately 231 acres. Each residential Community will consist of several neighborhoods, with each neighborhood consisting of between 50-75 homes. Community 4 will be the future mixed-use component of the Community – neighborhood commercial, office, and 55+ housing – on approximately 115 acres. 15+ year build-out.
Community Design… Respect and Care for our Natural Environment Confluence Virginia Community Design… Respect and Care for our Natural Environment The Land Plan uses the terrain’s natural land forms to shape the layout of the community. The site’s primary drainage areas will be preserved and enhanced to provide necessary filtering of storm water run-off. This system of greenways located within the site’s natural drainage areas will also provide the benefit of aesthetically pleasing open spaces in which to locate part of the trail system, combining water quality and quantity BMP’s with open space areas that support active uses. At least 30% of site preserved as open space and public facilities (including future school and park sites). Additional neighborhood parks and open space areas within each community will be added to this 30% during the site design and planning processes.
Part 4: Community Life: Respect and Care for Existing and Future Residents David Vazzana
Community Life: Respect and Care for Existing and Future Residents Community Need: New elementary school site 2015+ and regional park facilities. Proposed 56 acre land dedication for future school sites and park and additional 20 acre park site. Community Historical Resource: Preserve the historic Marshall family cemetery and surrounding lands. $9,000,000 in contributions to the Town W&S infrastructure and over 4.6 million dollars to the W.C. School system. Walking/ Hiking/ Biking Trail network along E-W and throughout the Community connecting new residents with existing residents and downtown business’.
Community Life: Community Transportation Needs Confluence Virginia Community Life: Community Transportation Needs Transportation network capacity improvements serving the Happy Creek Technology Park in the Town’s North East and H.C. Road area. The East-West Connector Road is a long planned and vital link in the local transportation network, and will help facilitate Economic Development in the adjacent H.C. Technology Partk. The East-West Connector will also provide a long needed second means of ingress/egress to the folks living in Shenandoah River Estates and Shenandoah Shores.
Confluence Virginia - Community Respecting our past, planning for the future, and preserving our quality of life and natural resources for future generations. Confluence Virginia The FRLP proposal would cause the construction of the entire E-W Connector Road in the first phase of the project – at NO cost to existing taxpayers…and ensure the future construction of a full 4 lane facility crossing of the railroad tracks and connection to 8th street and Commerce Avenue – at NO cost to existing taxpayers.
QUESTIONS? Confluence Virginia Confluence [kon-floo-uhns] noun 4. A coming together of people or things; concourse (THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!) QUESTIONS? What life have you if you have not life together? There is no life that is not in community. - T.S. Eliot