Welcome to the 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT 19th of April, 2017 Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
Facts and numbers in physics – in Germany status as of 2014 Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, 2014 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
Facts and numbers in physics – at the KIT status as of academic year 2016 (WS 2015/2016 and SS 2016) Source: KIT Zwischenbericht zum ChG-Plan 2017 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA – short overview Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area – performing in Physics H2020-GERI-2014-1 Programme: Science with and for Society Funding € 3,2 Mio. Duration: 01.09.2015 – 31.08.2018 13 research institutions from Europe and Switzerland Coordination: DESY Hamburg Overarching aim: Institutional and cultural changes in gender equality for women and men through the implementation of gender equality plans and measures - tailored to physics - under the Horizon 2020 initiative Programme: Science with and for Society Funding € 3,2 Mio. Duration: 01.09.2015 – 31.08.2018 13 research institutions from Europe and Switzerland Coordination: DESY Hamburg Overarching aim: Institutional and cultural changes in gender equality for women and men through the implementation of gender equality plans and measures - tailored to physics - 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA – short overview divided in 6 work packages: role of KIT: WP4 (in cooperation with MPG in Munich) 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA – current state GENERA Toolbox GENERA Toolbox Provides a broad set of proven measures and actions (a total of 65) to increase GE in physics and to improve existing GEPs Toolbox is not a statistic publication, but rather an ongoing process, which will be expanded by adding additional effective measures and actions Measures and actions are structured by fields of action and can be used in order to enable systematically institutional change in organizations GENERA Toolbox Delivered 30th November 2016 to the EU Provides a broad set of proven measures and instruments (a total of 65) to increase GE in physics and to improve existing GEPs Toolbox is not a statistic publication, but rather an ongoing process, which will be expanded by adding additional effective measures and instruments Measures and instruments are structured by fields of action and can be used in order to enable systematically institutional change in organisations 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA – current state GENERA Toolbox Title Field of action Objectives Target group(s) Description More information/contact Contents of the Toolbox Collection of different measures/actions for inspiring (structural) changes in research organizations Referred as „good practices“ Successful, systematically embedded in the organizational culture, sustainable, transferable to other disciplines, or with an innovative character Are derived from practical experience AND they are intended for practical implementation, Therefore, they are described exactly as they were implemented regulars table also included: as one of the results of the Gender in Physics workshop 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
Currently 65 measures/actions – still being expanded GENERA Toolbox – Matrix of measures according to Field of Action and Target Groups Currently 65 measures/actions – still being expanded Field of Action Target Group Structural Integration of Gender Equality Engaging Leadership Flexibility, Time and Work Life Presence and Visibility Gender-inclusive/ gender-sensitive Organisational Culture Gender Dimension in Research and Education Management and leadership 11 5 4 8 12 Administrative personnel - 3 Scientific personnel 7 9 Professors 1 14 6 Postdocs and mid-career scientific personnel 24 10 PhD students/candidates and research assistants 23 Students (undergraduate and graduate) 22 Pupils In total 65 , but still being expanded In some fields of actions are more measures listed than in others – why is this so? For example: Engaging leadership gender equality measures are not seen as the first priority in organizations – although they are needed With the recommendations of different research institutions and universities we have found out some needs of action like in the field of the leadership The next steps regarding these findings will be, to find some measures that work in these fields (by research or further surveys or simple exchange in the community – just like here) 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA – current state GENERA Roadmap Roadmap is a basic structure for the implementation of customized GEPs: Sequence of steps: Description of each step Key Actions (check list with guiding questions) Hints & Resources (references to documents) Individual Conditions (specific characteristics of the organization, documentation of important steps, experiences, successes, challenges, solution approaches, etc.) Roadmap allows a high level of customization: customization decisions based on the framework conditions of the organization Evaluation of the GENERA Roadmap is planned: after gathering first implementation experiences, regular workshops with IMs will be held. The findings from these discussions will help improve the design of the GENERA Roadmap with regard to specific needs of implementing GEPs in physics. GENERA Roadmap Creation process: Exchange with the IMs: their needs and experiences are the basis for the Roadmap Evaluation of existing GEPs and roadmaps / guidelines Definition of the whole process and of each individual step during implementation of GEPs to meet the needs of organisations Describing all activities supporting the implementation of customized GEPs Benefits: Roadmap is a basic structure for the implementation of customized GEPs Sequence of steps: Description Key Actions (check list with guiding questions) Hints & Resources (references to the documents) Individual Conditions (specific characteristics of the organisation, documentation of important steps, experiences, successes, challenges, solution approaches, etc.) Roadmap allows a high level of customization: customization decisions based on the framework conditions of the organisation Evaluation of the GENERA Roadmap is planned: after gathering first implementation experiences, regular workshops with IMs will be held. The findings from these discussions will help improve the design of the GENERA Roadmap with regard to specific needs of implementing GEPs in physics 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
GENERA Roadmap – Overview of the implementation process 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
Thank you for your attention. www.genera-project.com Kontakt am KIT: irene.baraban@kit.edu 11.05.2019 3rd Stammtisch for female physicists at KIT Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät