Double Dutch Vocabulary Northwood 5 th Grade
Unison Noun Process in which all elements behave in the same way at the same time (they all work together as one) The choral group sang in unison. It made it sound as if it was one strong voice rather than many separate voices.
Uniform Adjective Identical and consistent; no variation The team wore uniforms so that they would be recognized as one group.
Mastered Verb Having conquered or become the highest level of skilled at a specific task I proved that I had mastered the skill of flute playing when I was named section leader.
Competition Noun a contest for some sort of prize, honor, or advantage Field Day is a major competition between classes.
Identical Adjective Being the same and alike in every way Tia and Tamara Mowery are identical twins and are also both famous actresses.
Element Noun A component or part of a whole The pepperoni is one of my favorite elements of a pizza.
Routine Noun A customary or regular course of procedure Brushing my teeth and eating breakfast are part of my morning routine.
Intimidated Verb Filled with fear and anxiety due to superiority (someone or something being better and/or more powerful) Jack was intimidated by the size of the giant that he met at the top of the beanstalk.
Recite Verb To re peat the words of something The students recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag every morning.
Qualifying Verb Being provided with the proper skills and/or knowledge for a specific task There were multiple teams that the Seminoles had to beat in the process of qualifying for the championship.
Multiracial Adjective Representing more than one race Robs mother is from the Philippines and his father is from Mexico making him multiracial. I love visiting him because there is soo much culture to learn about in his home. I love that our country is a great big melting pot!
Fascinated Verb Amazed; wowed; intrigued The strange animals fascinated me, because I had never seen anything like them before.
Pulverize Verb To crush or demolish The strong winds from the tornado are likely to pulverize many buildings.
Animosity Noun A feeling of strong dislike or anger towards someone or something The Florida and Florida State Football teams have built up a lot of animosity towards one another due to being rival teams for many years.
Nurture Verb To bring up, support, and protect during stages of development Parents nurture their children as they grow and develop.
Determined Adjective To be unwavering towards a specific goal; doing whatever it takes to reach the goal The lady was determined to lose weight, so she was eating healthier and exercising more.