Winnipeg’s Urban Issues • Pick ANY FOUR issues from the UN's TOP 14 URBAN PROBLEMS & find evidence of that problem existing in our city. • Please ensure that your four stories are current (they must have occurred within 2012-13) • Check the following for your stories
Winnipeg’s Urban Issues Now that you have found four articles the next steps are to reflect and analyze them. Step 1- Summarize each article briefly (50-100 words for each article) Step 2- Write a position-based report that summarizes your opinion about each of the articles you found. For example, do you see each issue as a big problem? Is there a solution to it? If so, what? (250 words or more) Step 3- Staple your written work to the front of the four articles and hand in to Mr. Klapak. Be sure to put your name on your paper.