Quality aspects of EPER 5th Joint UNECE Task Force & EIONET Workshop on Emission Inventories and Projections, 19 October 2004 Quality aspects of EPER Bernd Mehlhorn
EPER European Pollutant Emission Register
EPER EPER is based on Art. 15(3) of IPPC-Directive (1996) ...and a Commission Decision (2000) on the implementation of EPER
What is EPER ? A process A product A start... EPER Data base Facility EPER Data base EPER Website EPER no.1 EPER no.2 E-PRTR 2007+ Collect Country Report CEC/EEA Compile Communicate Public
Rep. year report to Comm. internet 2001 June 2003 (15 MS) Feb. 2004 EPER Rep. year report to Comm. internet 2001 June 2003 (15 MS) Feb. 2004 2004 June 2006 (25 MS) Nov. 2006 2007 Mar. 2009 (E-PRTR) Oct. 2009 2008 Dec. 2009 ( “ “ “ ) May 2010 E-PRTR = European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
EPER website 10 000 industrial facilities (IPPC, Annex I) 15 MS + NO + HU 10 000 industrial facilities (IPPC, Annex I) 50 pollutants above certain thresholds Emissions to air and water, Transfer off- site by sewers of pollutants in water Internet launch on 23 Feb. 2004 (EPER 1) www.eper.cec.eu.int
EPER Guidance Document “The quality of the reported data is the integral result of the seven following aspects: timeliness, completeness,uncertainty, comparability, consistency, transparency and the emission determination metho- dology (M, C and E).”
EPER Guidance Document Class M (“measuring”) emission data are based on measurements using standardised or accepted methods; often additional calculations are needed to convert the results of the measurements into annual emission data
EPER Guidance Document Class C (“calculate”) emission data are based on calculations using nationally or internationally accepted estimation methods and emission factors, which are representative for the industrial sector
EPER Guidance Document Class E (“estimate”) emission data are based on non-standardised estimations derived from best assumptions or expert guesses
EPER Guidance Document (5) … 8. Reference to available emission determination methods Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook, IPCC Guidelines, EEA, US-EPA, UK, Australia, OECD, OSPARCOM, IPPC-BREF documents ...
EPER, review report + All MS have reported + Electronic validation tools are useful + EPER data cover often high shares of emissions + Additional meta-information increases usefulness + High interest of the public - Not all countries sub- mitted complete data - Gaps for landfills, pig and poultry, metal surface treatment and some pollutants - QA/QC procedures have to be improved (harmo- nised methodologies) - Translation of website ?
More guidance for the facilities (bottom-up approach!!) on What to improve ??? More guidance for the facilities (bottom-up approach!!) on Which pollutants are relevant (upgraded sector specific pollutant lists)? Which standard method for a selected pollutant? How to find and use international guidelines, as e.g. IPCC Guidelines
EPER Support documents !...done under EPER 1. Diffuse air emissions from landfills (CH4, CO2) 2. Air emissions from pig and poultry farms (NH3, N2O, CH4, PM10)