Louisiana Housing Authority
A key partner in ending homelessness Louisiana Housing Authority PSH portfolio 2,000 project-based vouchers 1,000 subsidies for CoC rental assistance 199 811 PRA subsidies Collaborative Applicant for Louisiana’s Balance of State Continuum of Care Chair of the Governor’s Council on Homelessness Disaster coordinator for people experiencing homelessness
Actions to end homelessness Preferences for people experiencing chronic homelessness, homelessness, and at risk Serves as a state leader to end homelessness Ma Maison Homelessness Working Group Statewide definition of housing first Statewide guiding principles for coordinated entry
Actions to end homelessness State disaster lead for people experiencing homelessness Homeless Emergency Plan Depopulating disaster shelters Emergency Solutions Grant, HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance and Disaster Community Development Block Grant funds for hotels and rapid rehousing for people experiencing homelessness and at risk
Actions to end homelessness Incentive points in Louisiana’s qualified allocation plan for low income housing tax credits for developers to set-aside units for people in need of permanent supportive housing Result: Over 1,200 set-aside PSH units
Overview of LHA PSH Program Creating 3,000 PSH units in the Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone was a major objective in the state’s Road Home hurricane recovery plan. PSH units are ‘scattered-site’ units leased using permanent rental subsidies dedicated to the PSH program. 2,000 Section 8 project-based vouchers (PBVs) 1,000 Continuum of Care Rental Assistance subsidies (CoC) 200 Section 811 Project Rental Assistance vouchers (PRA)
Louisiana PSH - Braided Funding Model Rental Assistance 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) Continuum of Care (CoC) PSH Rental Assistance Capital Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Tenancy and Other Supports Medicaid State Plan Medicaid Waivers Ryan White Veteran’s Affairs Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
PBV S.811 PRA CoC PSH CoC RRH 1. Who is eligible Disabled, 50% AMI Disabled, under 62, 30% AMI HUD homeless category 1&4, disabled HUD homeless definition in the year that we applied (category 1&4) - individuals and families 1.a Population priority Exiting institutions, homeless, at risk of either, federal disaster preference Exiting institutions, homeless, at risk of either Chronically homeless 25% disabled, can go higher 1.b. Geography Statewide 1/1/18 Can be statewide, currently focused on north and central Louisiana GO Zone coverage (need to do some in BTR) Balance of State Continuum of Care 2. Referral process Using Yardi WL Traditional PSH referral process Coordinated entry (across 5 CoCs) Coordinated Entry 3. Program target number to be served 2,000 199 1,090 (UNITY = 887, Start Southcentral= 63, Start Northshore = 67, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury = 50, Catholic Services of Acadiana = 23) 56 households 4. Current number served 1511 leased 1641 under contract 123 leased 1,070 5
Louisiana Housing Authority Questions ?? Nicole Sweazy Louisiana Housing Authority 225-242-1381 nsweazy@lha.la.gov