The Big Picture Company Consumers Competitors Conditions Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Growth & Competitive Strategies Finance HR Production R&D Marketing Functional Integration Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap
Begin Situation-Analysis INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Your Company's Strengths & Weaknesses: Consumer Company Competitors Conditions EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Opportunities & Threats
Need to find answers re: How the market is segmented. The criteria that influence consumers purchasing decisions & How much willing buy/pay… The nature & magnitude of the competition Existing & emerging Economic & Technological trends that are/will impact company future Consumers Competitors Conditions
Market Structure & Dynamics Analyses
Sensor Market Analysis Market Size, Structure & Trends Key & New --Applications Sales Forecasts– Global Market & Key Segments Investment Opportunities
Market Structure & Dynamics Analyses Simulation’s sensor market is
Consumer Segments: Big, old & cheap high-reliability & performance proven sensors w/ current tech advanced sensors w/ focus on small size cutting-edge in both size & performance
Consumer Buying Criteria
Determinant Attribute Weightings SEGMENT Profiles: Determinant Attribute Weightings
Market Structure & Dynamics Analyses Simulation’s sensor market is
DEMAND ANALYSIS: How Many Sensors / Segment want to buy across next 8 years: Multiply the Round 0 demand by the growth rate and add the result to the Round 0 demand. This will give you a close approximation of Round 1 demand. Copy this number into the Demand cell for Round 1. If you prefer, you can use the following shortcut. For example, assume the Traditional growth rate is 9.2%. Convert the percentage to a decimal (9.2% = 0.092) and add 1 to it (1.092). Multiply the Round 0 Traditional demand by 1.092 then round to the nearest whole number. This will give you a close approximation of Total Industry Demand for Round 1.
SENSOR INDUSTRY ONGOING GROWTH ..the entire market growing at around 14 - 15% per year.
Complete Demand Analysis @ CapSim Intro | Perceptual Map 1 | Perceptual Map 2 | Demand Analysis | Capacity Analysis | Margin Analysis | Consumer Report
MARKET SEGMENT DYNAMICS Intro | Perceptual Map 1 | Perceptual Map 2 | Demand Analysis | Capacity Analysis | Margin Analysis | Consumer Report Calculate each Segment's IDEAL SPOT LOCATION -- rounds 1 thru 8 ( @ Getting Started/ Complete Online Situation Analysis/ Perceptual Map 2)
Market Structure & Dynamics Analyses
Drift Demo Cheaper too-$.50 drop in price/year Cheaper too-$.50 drop
Market Structure & Dynamics Analyses
Estimating Sensor Segment MARGIN Values What Are Your Most Profitable Segments?