Ohioans Must Increase Education Attainment Levels American Community Survey
Ohioans Must Increase Education Attainment Levels American Community Survey Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation
Ohioans Must Increase Education Attainment Levels American Community Survey Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
Ohio’s Attainment Goal 65% of Ohioans, ages 25-64, will have a degree, certificate or other postsecondary workforce credential of value by 2025.
Strategic Priorities Aligning credentials to “In-Demand Jobs” Identifying, validating and counting all levels of credentials Achieving attainment rates with greater parity among people of all races Educating more adults Rethinking systems Acting in local communities Monitoring and measuring progress
Moving Forward Provide increased access to consistent data at the state and local level Communication Engage the Business Community Educate Policy Makers about the Goal and Its Imperative Capture consistent data on technical certificates and workforce credentials