Discord - discord.gg/wNjsQYJ Ask an @officer or an @Committee Head to opt in/out of specific announcements Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/329175117430193/ behrendGamingClub@gmail.com Officer Meetings Mondays at 6:30 pm in Kochel 43
Gao Con convention Bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays in Reed 113 at 6:00 Next Meeting on the 28th of February
The sign-out sheet for items in the BGC library the sign-in sheet for personal items to be stored in the office Is POsted The sign-out sheet for items in the BGC library Please Keep the items in the lounge when you use them
Treasury Report Current Restricted: $1,075 Current Unrestricted: $509.36
MOBA Committee kkl5245@psu.edu Discord: EchoYosh This Semester Events!!! Overwatch Tournament- February 24th Sign-Ups at the RUB desk League Of Legends In-Game Club Need your username if you want to join! If you have any event ideas for next semester come talk to me or email/PM/discord me!!!! kkl5245@psu.edu Discord: EchoYosh
TCG Committee Legacy League has started! More info will be posted in Discord Conspiracy Take The Crown Drafts upon request Other Drafts will require sign-ups Changed Proxy Modern Tournament Date: February 25th Unstable Draft Funded Legacy League SignUps will be on the Gamer’s Club door Prizes will be Staples cards from each Player’s Deck. Discord: Pastoro email: svs6405@psu.edu
RPG Committee Spreadsheet Pokemon Tournaments (Elite Four) Discord: Key
Board Games Always open to suggestions! I will try to learn your (board/card) games! I am willing to be taught. I will also teach you any games that you want. Email: sec35@psu.edu Discord: Pam - BG Head
Open Forum Comments? Questions? Concerns?