Vectors - Introduction Contents: What they are Handy Truths Types of vectors
Vectors - What they are Magnitude and Direction: 8 cm x 14 cm 320o
Vectors - Handy Truth #1 To reverse a vector, multiply by -1 +8 cm x
Vectors - Handy Truth #2 To add parallel ( ) or anti-parallel ( ) vectors simply add their magnitudes A = 8 cm x, B = -3 cm x A+B = 5 cm x
Vectors - Handy Truth #3 To add non-parallel vectors, place them tip to tail: Addition: A A B B A+B Did the order matter? Subtraction: A+ (-B) -B A A -B
Vectors - Types of vectors What was your shorter set of directions? Angle-Magnitude Vector Component A 36.87o A 4 cm x 3 cm y A = 4 cm x + 3 cm y ^ 5 cm 36.87o above level