la actividad del timbre I know about Hanukkah. Yo ______ la Jánuca. Do you want to meet my friend? ¿Quieres ______ mi amigo? We know the date of the surprise party. ______ la fecha de la fiesta de sorpresa. The students know chemistry. Los estudiantes ______ la química.
SABER / CONOCER Foldable Work on your own OR with a partner 1 side for SABER, 1 side for CONOCER Create 1 Spanish sentence for each subject (6 subjects, 12 total) These sentences cannot be from your notes, they must be original! Draw a picture representing the sentence. Great projects include color and a variety of different sentences using all the reasons for SABER and CONOCER
El boleto de salida You know how to play the violin. Tú _______ tocar el violín. My parents want to meet my teacher. Mis padres quieren _______ mi maestra. We know your aunt. _______ tu tía. He knows about Easter. Él _______ la Pascua.