WORK in SOCIAL DIVERSE ENVIRONMENT Work in Social Diverse Environment- SITXCOM001A WORK in SOCIAL DIVERSE ENVIRONMENT AGENDA TOPIC 7:Self Awareness -Self Concept -Self Development -Self Image Presentation_5 // 11 TAFE NSI Ryde/MB_ZGtbc_2013
SELF CONCEPT Is how a person feels about themselves AND what they think about themselves!!!!! How do you see yourself?
ACTIVITY One positive comment about your appearance One positive comment about your personality One skill you have
SELF CONCEPT We can have either a POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE Self Concept about ourselves Perceptions can include: Who you are What you stand for Where you live What you do What you value What you believe
What are the benefits of a positive self concept? You are more confident, have greater motivation and find you are able to: communicate with other people more effectively
HOW YOU CAN DEVELOP A POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT? Identify your strengths and build on them Identify your weaknesses and look for ways to overcome them Complete appropriate training to develop your skills Set goals and achieve them
SELF AWARENESS: YOU – ME…. Identity is about knowing who you are as a person - and knowing who you are in relation to others
religion/ spirituality ethnicity Sources of identity religion/ spirituality ethnicity health nationality education gender geographic factors family politics race genetics birth order professional identity class/economic status life experiences ability / disability other social groups age/cohort
Sources of identity - example Australian and Swiss Culinary/Hospitality studies (mature) male North – West of Sydney father of 2 liberal view of politics white (non Anglo Saxon) fit youngest of the family new academic / education working class baby boomer vision impaired Master craftsman / Culinary Trade Community representative Entrepreneur / consulting soccer player Teacher and Student Married Executive Chef Culinary Judge Global Hotelier
Axes of Identity “[I]dentity formation as [...] progressive repositioning the Self along a myriad of lines or axes of identity” (Austin 2005:17). “Each axis is a bookended [...] by a pair of oppositional points (binary opposites, such as male – female)” (Austin 2005:17).