Industrial Revolution 1750 - 1850
Industrial Revolution Most revolutionary of all other revolutions Over the 4000 yrs we have studied very little had changed for the average person
Pre Industrial Revolution Most people lived off the land Life expectancy for the last 15,000 yrs was 35 Education was a privilege not a right In all this time we never developed a weapon that would kill over a dozen people at a time Never came up with a way to travel faster that horseback 15,000 yrs most people did not own or use a item made outside their community
How did the Industrial Rev affect you?
Simple Stat to sum it up Before Industrial Revolution – 80% of people farmed Today in the US – less than 1% of people are farmers
My Definition of the Industrial Revolution It was an increase of production brought about by the use of Machines and characterized by the use of new power sources.
Where will the Industrial Revolutions start? The Industrial Revolution will start in Europe. Great Britain to be exact. Why? We will cover this later.
The series of inventions that led to the Industrial Revolution Flying Shuttle Spinning Jenny - H20 power Water Frame – H20 power Power loom – H20 power Steam powered water pumps
Coal Coal was being used as a heat source in Britain Coal was cheap there because it was close to the surface there Mines flooded Coal steam powered water pump invented to pump out water Pumps powered by coal kept coal cheap which caused more desire for cheap coal
James Watt’s Steam Engine His more efficient steam engine (powered by ??????) will be adapted for all kinds of new stuff. Power source for textile mills machinery Steam powered boats Trains
The steam engine, how important are you to us today? We may have advanced but all these are just large steam engines. The one on the left is coal powered.
Mines can be deeper now because of water pumps more coal can be mined Mines can be deeper now because of water pumps more coal can be mined. More coal allows for other chemicals to come in use. “Before that you suffer it to be washed, lay it all night in urine, the next day rub all the spots in the urine as if you were washing in water; then lay it in more urine another night and then rub it again, and so do till you find they be quite out.” Hannah Woolley, The Compleat Servant-Maid, 1677
Why does the Industrial Revolution start in Great Britain? At this time Europe, China and India was technologically all the same at this time
Great Britain had 2 big advantages 1st advantage – Coal It is really all about coal Automating and new power source GB had a lot of coal near the surface Replaced wood for heating and cooking which caused demand Demand made for more need to pump water out of mines which caused demand for steam engines fueled by coal to power pumps which caused demand for more coal
Positive Loop Created In other words Cheap British coal was needed to keep British coal Cheap, and Cheap British coal gave rise to better machines to keep British coal Cheap.
British Advantage #2 Britain had highest wages for labor Cheap energy costs Gave incentive for people to find alternatives to labor (both China and India did not need automation because labor was cheap)
What drove this Industry? Cotton cloth India started this market because it could make it cheap with cheap labor Great Britain wanted to get into this market so it had to automate to be competitive From Great Britain the Industrial Revolution would spread throughout the world.
Overview of the Causes of Industrial Revolution in the US Trade Disruption Population Growth Transportation Improvements Scarce Skilled Craftsmen Protected Markets “Borrowed Technology”
Origins of the Industrial Revolution Trade Disruption – creates demand Population Growth – demand & labor Transportation Improvements – Easier to move products. Early canal
Origins II Scarce Skilled Craftsmen Protected Markets
Origins III “Borrowed Technology” Richard Arkwright’s Water Frame Samuel Slater Arkwright’s Water Frame
Spinning Wheel
Slater and the First Textile Mill in the US Right: Slater’s Mill, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Slater’s Mill
“Borrowed Technology” Power Loom Francis Cabot Lowell Silhouette of Francis Cabot Lowell Silhouette of Francis Cabot Lowell
Power Loom Weaver Power Loom Weaver
Lowell Textile Mills
Lowell Textile Mills
Slaves Using the Cotton Gin
Changes in Cotton Production 1820 1860
Value of Cotton Exports As % of All US Exports
Industrialization’s Regional Development Geographic Concentration Regional Contrasts Northeast South West
Transportation Revolution Overview: Canals Steamboats Railroads
“Borrowed Technology” Canals British Invention Erie Canal Early Canals
Erie Canal
Rivers Versus Canals Water Ways One Way Slow Light Goods Costly N/S Direction Canals Two Way Faster Heavy Goods Cheaper E/W
Erie Canal Geography Construction and Cost Impact: “Canal Boom” New York becomes the top commerce city of America Encourages people to move to Great Lakes area
Erie Canal
“Borrowed Technology” Railroads British Invention
1850’s to 1880s steam locomotive
Impact of Railroads Time – Much faster to travel Transportation Costs of goods go down by drastic amounts
Steamboats Impact – now products can be moved quickly on southern rivers Why are these boats designed to look like this?
Impact of Industrialization Changes in Work Immigration Immigrants to the US, 1887
Immigration to the US, 1830-1990
Two Chief Groups: Irish and Germans Stamp US Postage Adopted in 1999
Impact of Industrialization Urbanization Growth of Towns and Cities Chicago, 1860
Impact of Industrialization US Social Structure Stratified Society Growing Inequality – Many poor workers The beginnings of middle class. – Factory managers
Growing Economic Inequality Tenements in Slums
The Industrial Revolution in Perspective US Still an Agrarian Society But big changes are on the way.
Economics of the American System Protective tariffs are put in place No central banking or monetary system in place Banks could issue their own money Between 1815 – 1860 there are 3 major economic panics? Debate over how much power the federal govt has in financial working of the country
Homework Answer questions for pp. 246-259