Listening is… An essential part of communication Not taught in school A skill that can be learned
Why is Listening a Key Skill of Leadership? Connecting Decision Making Problem Solving
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” —Stephen Covey
Two Parts of Effective Listening Active Listening Empathetic Listening
Active Listening Requires… Rephrasing and Confirming Nonjudgmental Attitude
Empathetic Listening Requires… Putting oneself in the speaker’s place Imagining the speaker’s viewpoint Understanding the speaker’s feelings
Monitoring Our Listening Level Awareness Adjustments Powerful Tools
Role Play – Listening in Adversarial Situations
Listening in Adversarial Situations Nonjudgmental Productive Framework Positive Conversation
Listeners should always strive to create a positive present as opposed to a negative past.
Giving and Receiving Feedback Can be difficult Basic part of team development, leadership, and friendship Both parties must use effective listening
Tips on Giving Feedback Is it helpful? Do others want it? Can it change a behavior? Is it specific? Does it describe behavior? How does it impact you? Does it contain an “I” statement? Did the recipient understand what you said?
You can give caring feedback without a good technique, but the slickest technique in the world will not hide a lack of caring.
Tips on Receiving Feedback Seek out feedback. Listen carefully. Listen actively. Listen empathetically. Monitor your emotions.
Consider feedback to be a gift. It truly is one.
Effective Listening A learned skill Important to relationships and problem solving Active and empathetic Turns a negative situation into a positive one Key to giving and receiving feedback.
Ticket April 18, 2005 Oct 19, 2006 Begin to Work Your Ticket After: Finish Your Ticket Not Later Than: Oct 19, 2006