Modern-Day Prophets Justin Beiber “Pray”
Justin Beiber uses singing to draw attention to misfortunate children, dying soldiers and homeless people. He does this by including these disasters throughout his lyrics. Multiple times, Justin Beiber says “I pray” which may influence other people to pray also. Prayer may soon lead to charity and other caring possibilities.
Lyrics I just can't sleep tonight Knowing that things ain't right It's in the papers, it's on the TV, it's everywhere that I go Children are crying, soldiers are dying, some people don't have a home
Explanation This song relates to a social justice issue because Justin Beiber says how he can't sleep at night due to all the problems in society. There is no way to hide yourself from these diasasters. They're in the newspaper, on the television and even on the radio. Social justice issues include war, poor, and homeless people.
Justin Beiber is like a prophet because he reminds his audience to pray and care for the less fortunate. He repeatedly sings “I pray” which makes people realize they should do the same. In a way, he challenges his audience by asking how he can make a change. This challenges them because the listeners may try to find a solution to help out others.
Justin Beiber offers hope to his listeners throughout his lyrics Justin Beiber offers hope to his listeners throughout his lyrics. For example: “ But I know there's sunshine behing that rain. I know there's good times behind that pain.” This tells his audience after the trouble is over, things will soon become better.
The meaningful lyrics and the original video of this song appeals me to the music. I chose this song because the issues mentioned in the song are the major ones in today's world. Overall, I think this song is very persauding to others and makes them realize they should try their best to help the less fortuante.