Engaging with government to scale-up Community-Led Total Sanitation in Indonesia: Jan Parry, Plan International Australia
The Steps Undertaken in Government / Plan International CLTS Partnership District Roadshow Aim is to socialise government staff in the detail of the national WASH policy. The event is hosted and delivered by the government-led national WASH working group. At the end of the roadshow district leaders are invited to sign-up to the ODF declaration. Field Visit Exposure visit to view CLTS in action and learn from the experiences of district staff implementing CLTS. District CLTS Roadmap Training District and sub-district staff are supported to produce a practical road-map for the implementation of CLTS. CLTS Monitoring Training Government staff receive training to enable standard monitoring tools and processes to be used in the monitoring of community ODF status. Sub-district ‘Road-Shows’ Sub-district leaders organise CLTS road-shows which aim to socialise CLTS to the community, bringing together health, education staff and village leaders. Government-Led ODF Celebrations Multiple ODF communities attend ODF celebrations in which their achievement is recognised and rewarded by the district.
Images from the Project Sub-district CLTS ‘road-show’, government staff exposure visit to neighbouring WSP working district, and sub-district leaders sign-up to the ODF declaration.
Images from the Project Cont... Sub-district government staff supporting training of village facilitators, government hosted ODF celebrations, and government staff monitor the progress towards achievement of ODF status.
Key Lessons Learned for Plan International Adopt a strengths-based approach: work in areas where ‘wins’ are possible and achievable. Create an accountability mechanism: Formal MOU’s, village letters of commitment, and standard monitoring mechanisms for government officials. Anticipate and expect resistance: Have an array of project activities and strategies which aim to overcome this resistance i.e. Roadshows, use of champions, exposure visits, ODF celebrations. Maximise the value of partnerships with government at the national level: utilise national leaders to exert gentle pressure on district government staff at critical points in the project.