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A musical evening featuring: Special Guest: Tony Tetley, Sunday night live Sunday, May 3rd @ 7:00 pm In the Sanctuary A musical evening featuring: Alan Brown, Alex Moir & Special Guest: Tony Tetley, *Admission: a variety of personal items for women/children needed. Please see full list on board in foyer.
Please contact Christian Wiley for more info Young Adults Sunday Nights 6:30 pm @ the Wiley’s Please contact Christian Wiley for more info
Thursdays @ 6:30 pm Kids JK – Grade 5 Come Join Us For Games, Crafts, a Bible Story, and a Snack. Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
“A Matter of Faith” Sat, April 25th, @ 11 am If you are interested in going to the movie, “A Matter of Faith” Sat, April 25th, @ 11 am Lakeshore Theatre please let me know ASAP. I can get tickets ahead of time for $10.00 *Please see Deborah Doyle to sign up and pay for your ticket. You will receive a free Christian DVD when you redeem your ticket that day.
Men of Courage Next meeting: April 1, @ 6:45pm in the Fireside Room With God’s help, you and I can get through this together! Contact Ken Heuston for more information.
Come join us for our 2nd annual Alina Carere Bowl-A-Thon Sunday April 26th, 2015 1-3 pm @ Super Bowl Help us send Kids to Camp Hermosa Grab 6 friends and some pledges and join us for a FUN afternoon! Pizza & pop provided at the church for All bowlers before hitting the lanes. Pledge sheets and sign-up list in the foyer. *For more info see Marlee or Christian