Collectivism emphasizes the importance of human interdependence in society – all people rely on each other in many ways and are connected “Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being. Without interrelation with society he cannot realize his oneness with the universe or suppress his egotism. His social interdependence enables him to test his faith and to prove himself on the touchstone of reality.” – Mahatma Gandhi “...for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Collective interest – a goal that all members of a group pursue in order to benefit the group as a whole The Assembly of First Nations is a group that represents all First Nations citizens in Canada on a national level, works to address issues for all First Nations people.
Labour unions – pursue the collective interests of their members by negotiating with employers for better pay and working conditions. Collective responsibility – the group is responsible for the actions of members and individuals are responsible to the group as a whole
Economics & Collectivism Industrial Revolution (late 1700s – 1800s) Time of great economic growth and new technology Massive inequality, terrible working conditions Karl Marx – The Communist Manifesto (1848) Believed that capitalism led to the exploitation of workers (owners get rich, workers stay poor) Workers had to unite and stage a revolution to change this Workers should own the means of production, all property should be public property Goal: total economic equality and a classless society
Public property – anything (land, buildings, etc Public property – anything (land, buildings, etc.) not owned by private individuals, instead it is owned by the state (government) Marx thought that if workers collectively owned factories and businesses they would profit more from their own labour and be more motivated. Critics say that economic collectivism decreases motivation because there is no individual incentive to work hard.
The Canadian gov’t also owns Crown land and Crown corporations. Canada attempts to limit the gap between rich & poor through social programs funded by the government. (Example: Employment Insurance) The Canadian gov’t also owns Crown land and Crown corporations. Crown corporations are usually created to provide services that are too expensive or important for private businesses to provide. Examples: Canada Post, building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, CBC
Privatization – when gov’t sells public property to private individuals/business (Ex: Air Canada) The privatization of certain natural resources (oil, water, etc.) is controversial. Nationalization – when the gov’t buys/takes over a privately owned business
Society & Collectivism Collectivist values play a large role in how we co-exist as a society. Co-operation – most group activities depend on the ability to co-operate with others. We also share a collective responsibility in society to look after each other and work together to improve our communities. Society also influences us through adherence to collective norms – there are certain expectations for our behaviour that we all follow.