Key Learning: Ensure all grooves / ditches are covered or filled INCIDENT While trying to reach to remove debris from the filter of the blasting unit with the help of a metal scraper, the IP stretched his body forward, holding his right hand on frame of the conveyor nearby and lost his balance, landed on ground with his body weight on his left hand wrist. ROOT CAUSES: Congested work area with open concrete groove and no hazard warnings Lateral Learning Tool box talks should be specific to work and work environment Ensure all grooves / ditches are covered or filled Recommended Actions: Discuss this alert in toolbox talks and HSE meetings and Distribute to all contractors Post on HSE notice boards Include in site HSE induction Key Learning: Ensure all grooves / ditches are covered or filled Broken Wrist Contact MSE511 for further information or visit HSE website LTI No. 72 2010 Alert No 43 February, 2011