Pete Robertson Head of Wildlife Science – UK Animal and Plant Health Agency Professor of Wildlife Management – Newcastle University
Experience 25 years research experience on the ecology and management of terrestrial vertebrates. Management experience of IAS rapid response, control and eradication – ruddy duck, american mink, monk parakeets, egyptian goose, grey squirrel. Management of surveillance and identification processes for biological hazards - food contaminants, wildlife diseases and IAS Line management responsibility for GB Non-native Species Secretariat (NNSS) Represent APHA on GB Non-native Species Programme Board Member of Council of Europe Invasive Species Expert Group Previous member of DG Env Working Group on IAS – rapporteur of Eradication, Containment, Management and Restoration Working Group
Interests Defining, promoting and capacity building for best practice in the rapid response, control and eradication of IAS. Design and implementation of surveillance and identification strategies for biological hazards, including IAS.