Module 6; Lesson 1 ATV and Motorcycles
ATV; All Terrain Vehicles Powerful and potentially dangerous; they can travel in excess of 60MPH Roll over easily; Weighs about 700 pounds You do not need a license, but some states require one if you are on public roads There is a course that will help you learn some of the basics of ATV riding and safety
Safety Measures Wear a helmet; Although it will not prevent all head injuries, it will reduce your chances ATVs are designed for one person to ride at time. You must be able to shift your weight freely. No alcohol or drugs If you are in unfamiliar territory, slow down. Speed Kills!!!
Motorcycles Two or three wheeled power vehicle for on or off road use. Almost 5000 people die each year 20-24 year olds have the highest percentage of deaths
Motorcycle Safety Tips Defensive Driving; anticipate hazards in the road. Road Rage; actions when one driver is angry with another and injury may result Wear a helmet Eye Protection Face Protection Gloves Proper Footwear Avoid Alcohol and Other Drugs