6/12/20141 NBA Players By: Evan Gould
6/12/20142 Michael Jordan Michael Jordan is probably the best person who ever touched a basketball,but some people say Wilt Chamberlain was better! Not true!! Michael Jordan won a championship game with the flu!!!!!
6/12/20143 Chris Paul is one of the best current players in the NBA, but the thing is that he is only 22 years old! He averages 21.4 points per game! Hell be even better when he gets to be a little older. Chris Paul
6/12/20144 Kevin Garnett Kevin Garnett is a great player. He uses his size to get rebounds and does awesome dunks. On the other hand, hes a big guy who can make threes.
6/12/20145 Amare Stoudemire is a great player. Together, Shaq, Nash, and Amare are a great team. I think they are ready for a championship! Amare Stoudemire
6/12/20146 Baron Davis Baron Davis is a great competitor for the playoffs, but I think Baron and Golden State need a few more years until they get ready for the playoffs.
6/12/20147 Dwayne Wade Dwayne Wade is a great basketball player. He knows every thing to be a great player, or to help his team get to the final game. Dwayne knows how to juke (to make an awesome move on an opponent) a defender and go to the hoop, and lay it up for two.
6/12/20148 Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant is my pick for the 2008 MVP (Most Valuable Player).Hes got a BIG bag of tricks and this guy never stops sprinting. He passes well, shoots short well, shoots long well, rebounds well, and dunks well. No wonder he started in the All-star game!
6/12/20149 L e Bron James LeBron James is so good at basketball that he came from High school to Pro. Same as his buddy Carmelo Anthony, AKA Melo, who plays for the Denver Nuggets. LeBron won the award at the All-Star game in People think he is the best of the best.
6/12/ Carmelo Anthony Carmelo rocks. Whenever he scores at the Pepsi Center fans say Me-lo in a great way.Hes ready for the playoffs.
6/12/ Did You Enjoy It? I enjoyed doing this Presentation! Rock On And See You Later!!
6/12/ Credits Directed by: Evan Gould Animation by: Evan Gould Slide Show by: Evan Gould Manager: Evan Gould Music by: Ouray Walker Created by: Evan Gould Pictures by: Evan Gould Typing by: Evan Gould Editing by: Evan Gould Credits by: Evan Gould Help by: Ben Potts, Mr. Val, Jackson Devlin,Ouray Walker