Courtney Wilford ECED 407
Introduction My name is Courtney Wilford. I am a 20 year old Junior at Towson perusing my Bachelors in Early Childhood Education.
Home I was born in Annapolis, and raised in Pasadena of Anne Arundel County.
Family I am the middle child, I have an older sister who is 23 and younger brother who is 14. I live with my mom, dad and siblings.
Who doesn’t love dogs? Up top is Slyder, he is a puggle and a rescue, we saw him and could not say no! And the bottom are sisters bailey and paisley. Went to North Carolina on spring break and came home with two new puppies… all I am saying is mom and dad were not happy!!
Previous Schooling… I recently transferred to Towson from Anne Arundel Community College where I had received my Associates Degree in General Studies in May of 2014.
K-12 School Days I started out at Pasadena Elementary School, it was awesome in its prime but sadly the school I attended was torn down and remodeled. For middle and high school I went to Chesapeake. I graduated in 2012!
I love my job!! I work at a daycare center/private school St. Jane Frances in Pasadena for all day twos and pre-k, and before and after care for K-8th graders.
What I do in my free time I am a Netflix junkie and a binge watcher, Criminal Minds being one of my favorites. I love to take naps But I do also like to go out with my friends Fun life I have right?!?
Favorite things/Fun Facts I am a social media fanatic I am a middle child I love chocolate fudge brownie Ben & Jerry's I am from a family of teachers, mom, dad, and sister
I learn best when… I have no distractions I listen to music I am not hungry I am not tired I have visual aids I can ask questions
I am distracted when… I have my phone on my desk My mom calls me or will not stop talking to me I hear someone having a conversation (guess you could say I’m nosey) My hair is down because I always play with it
Tools that help me study.. FLASHCARDS!! Read, read, and re-read Color Coding Post-It notes Study guides
Academic Strengths Organization Problem solving Time management when it comes to getting to classes on time Communication
Academic Weak spots Procrastination Assigned readings Small attention span
Learning Style I am a visual learner, if it is drawn out or written in front of me I comprehend better than just listening Hands on activities are very helpful in me understanding certain concepts When teachers give out study guides or outlines I tend to do better on tests because I like to know what content will be covered
Learning Style I do better in a group setting because if I find I need help I can easily ask a friend I like having prior notice of assignments so I can feel what I have in store Well written instructions help me complete assignments quicker, outlined instructions are the BOMB!!
I am a visual learner who works well with others Conclusion I am a visual learner who works well with others