There won’t be any spelling due to the shorter week. December 13, 2018 Happy Thursday! We are looking forward to our swim day on Wednesday, December 19th. The groups and swim times will be the same as they were before. If you have any questions, please let us know. December 17 – Silver Boxes are due. December 17 – Moon Observations are due. December 19 – Makeup Swim Day December 20 – Class Holiday Party @ 9:30am in your child’s classroom. December 20 – Early Release December 21-January 8 – Holiday Break, No School! If you are sending in items for the Christmas Around the World stockings, please send them by tomorrow. Also, the Silver Box Letters are due on December 17th. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Math We will finish our unit on interpreting graphs and how to collect data. Reading We will be discussing Main Idea while reading a variety of holiday stories. Social Studies We will learn about how other countries celebrate Christmas and some of their traditions. Language Arts We will be reviewing all grammar skills from the semester. Spelling There won’t be any spelling due to the shorter week. Science We will finish our unit on Patterns of the Sky.