HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR REMIND?? To: 81010 Message: @2k2eaf ARE YOU SUBSCRIBED TO OUR CLASS WEBSITE? tinyurl.com/zskvvm7
Bathroom Breaks Please remind your students before dropping them off in the mornings to go to the bathroom before going to the cafeteria. We have Mustang Club (intervention/enrichment) first thing in the mornings. It is very important your student is on time and in class so they are not missing instruction.
TRANSPORTATION If your student’s transportation changes, please let the teacher and Power House (if affected) know.
SBG You can find the grading rubric at: www.lifeschools.net – parent resources/standards based report cards SBG meeting tonight at 6:00 in the gym-atorium
Fall Festival Tuesday, Oct. 24th 5:30-7:00 • We are asking that each student bring a bag of individually wrapped candy and $1 for concession items. • We are also asking for parent volunteers to work 30 minute intervals for games and concession. • Ticket sales will begin in the classroom on Oct. 16th. Tickets are purchased in increments of five ($5 for five tickets). Students will be responsible for keeping up with their money and tickets purchased. Tickets will also be sold the night of the Fall Festival.
Thanksgiving Feast Friday, November 17th Be on the lookout for more information at the beginning of November. We will be asking for parent volunteers to help with our feast.
School –Parent Compact Life School Red Oak Elementary and our parents agree that this compact outlines how we will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how we together will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards. Please read over, sign, and leave with me before you leave. Please make sure to print your student’s name on the student signature line.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or schedule a conference. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education. shanna.miller@lifeschools.net DON’T FORGET TO SIGN IN SO YOU RECEIVE YOUR PARENTING POINTS!