Greek Exam Part II
Identification 1
Identification 2
Identification 3
Identification 4
Identification 5
Identification 6
Identification 7
Identification 8
Identification 9
Identify the Structures 2 1 statue 3 5 4 5
MC 1-4
MC 5-8
MC 9-12
MC 13-15
Greek Exam Part II Classical to Hellenistic Helpful Hints for the essays Use art historical terms, set up your comparison chronologically and as a this vs. that discussion, comparing the characteristics point for point. Be sure to include: subject (iconography), meaning, medium, style (treatment of the subject), and historical context. Be careful not to criticize one style over another- each style filled the needs of a particular time. Be careful to use terms properly, for example: simplified is not the same as simple.
Essay 1
Essay 2