The Nervous System By: Stephanie, JJ, and Katie
What is the Nervous System? What are the parts of the Nervous System? The Nervous System is a network of nerves that carry instructions to muscles and tendons throughout the body. The parts of the Nervous System are the Central System and the Peripheral System. Also the spinal column is part of the Nervous System
How does the brain work? Our brain works like the nucleus of our body that tell us what to do. Our brain is made of 100 billion nerves. You couldn’t survive without it. Without your brain you couldn’t walk, hear, smell, breathe, and much more.
What do neurons do and how do they function? Neurons are the cells that carry information through your nervous system to the brain. The information that is carried is called nerve impulse.
How is a reflex arc model for how the nervous system works? A reflex arc is a model for the nervous system because it shows how the nerves are placed throughout the body.
What is Sensation? Sensation is the passing of physical and chemical changes on the outside and inside the body into the nerve impulse by specialized receptors.
How do your muscles know what to do? The way your muscles know what to do is they get info from the nerve called motor nerve and the motor nerve gets their info from the neuron system which is the main nerve in the body.
What are some factors that influence your nervous system Endorphins reduce sensitive pain in the nerves. Drugs influence your nerves by making the blood rush.
How is the nervous system a regulator for human activities? It is a regulator because it controls the movement of your muscles and tendons.
Describe at least 2 disorders or diseases that can affect the nervous system. Epilepsy- is a common neurological condition that affects millions of people. Many causes are said to be symptomatic. Which means birth injury, head injury, stroke, brain tumor, infection, or congenital abnormality. Parkinson’s Disease- is a slowly progressive degenerative disease of the brain. It affects the nerve cells in areas of the brain called the basal ganglia and the substantia nigra.