IB Class of 2020 1
Scholar Designation Highest FL high school diploma awarded Algebra 2 and Statistics or equally rigorous course (IB Math) Chemistry or Physics + equally rigorous course 1 credit in AP/IB/AICE/DE Passing scores on the Geometry, Biology, and US History EOCs (or passing AP/IB scores) 2 credits in same world language
Merit Designation Attain 1 or more industry certifications from your career academy Must fulfill all requirements and pass your industry certification exam
Planning for College: 10th Grade Continue building a strong GPA; do grade forgiveness for any Ds/Fs Stay involved in extra-curricular activities Continue exploring your interests; try different community service opportunities Continue researching schools online: College Board: Collegeboard.org Individual college websites
PSAT: Preliminary SAT Ensure you have a College Board account! Collegeboard.org Access your personalized score report in December Access your AP scores next July Study material and practice available for free on Khan Academy (link to College Board) In 11th grade, your scores may qualify you for scholarship money You will also take the SAT for college admissions in 11th grade
FREE Tutoring!!! Student Led Sessions All Subjects (NHS) Mondays 2:45-4pm in 5214 Math (Mu Alpha Theta) Mondays 2:45-4pm in 3107G (by the café) Spanish (SNHS) Mondays 2:45-4pm in 5312 Sessions on flyer are teacher led
School Counseling Services Mrs. Andreula’s office hours: Lunchtime (during your assigned lunch) Daily 2:45-3:15pm You may make an appt in the IBO Grades / Academic Concerns Parent / Teacher Conferences Personal Concerns Dual Enrollment College Planning
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