Task force on Crime Statistics Community Statistical Programme 17-18 October 2006 Community Statistical Programme 1
Task force on Crime Statistics 17-18 October 2006 2006 Statistical Programme Heading, Chapter 2 : In the context of the increasing importance of security, statistics on crime, victimisation and criminal justice will be further developed as required under the Hague Programme Text, Theme 38 : Work will be carried out on the establishment of a framework for statistics on crime and criminal justice Objectives 2006 : Development of a system of comparable EU statistics on crime, victimisation and criminal justice Integration of existing data from national sources on crime, victimisation and criminal justice 1
Task force on Crime Statistics 17-18 October 2006 Draft 2007 Statistical Programme : Text Theme 38 Work will continue on the development of a system of statistics on crime, victimisation and criminal justice in line with the strategy set out in 2006 in the Commission Communication The data collection initiated in 2006 will be repeated, improved and extended to include policy relevant data, including 2005 data. Metadata and background and contextual variables will progressively be included and types of organised crime covered as well as policy relevant data on criminal justice measures. Efforts will be made to evaluate and improve the quality of these data by means of specific studies of selected crime types. A proposal will be made for a European survey module on victimisation, and testing of this will be initiated in collaboration with the Member States. 1
Task force on Crime Statistics 17-18 October 2006 Proposal, Community Statistical Programme 2008-12 Title IV : Visas, asylum, immigration and other policies related to free movement of persons Statistics on migration and asylum, and on crime and criminal justice will develop to meet the evolving needs for statistics to support the Commission's Action Plan to implement the Hague programme on Justice, Freedom and Security issues. This Action Plan includes proposals for the management of migration flows, the social and economic integration of migrants, border controls, asylum and strengthening security through common action against crime, particularly organised crime. Substantial increases will be necessary in the availability and quality of statistics to support these measures. Crime statistics will be established in accordance with the EU Action Plan 2006-10 ….. The feasibility and advisability of introducing a legal basis for these statistics will be explored 1
Task force on Crime Statistics 17-18 October 2006 Proposal, Community Statistical Programme 2008-12 Title IV : Visas, asylum, immigration and other policies related to free movement of persons In recognition of the wide differences in national administrative and statistical systems for migration and asylum and for crime and criminal justice, measures to improve the comparability of statistics will concentrate on the harmonisation of statistical outputs rather than on the introduction of common data sources and procedures. However, in some cases (such as for statistics on organised crime) it may be necessary to develop new data sources Main initiatives : Community statistics on crime (including organised crime), victimisation and criminal justice shall be introduced, and the comparability of this information shall be improved, such as through the development and possible implementation of a common EU module on victimisation 1