Lesson Objective: You will be able to define density and compare the densities of objects based on their mass and volume.
What is “Mass”?
Mass: How much “matter” is in an object. Measured in grams (g).
I have a mass of 51 grams!
450 g 360 g 867 g I use this as a formative assessment and have students order the objects from least mass to greatest mass.
How much mass does JUST the water have?
155 grams (Water + Beaker) -51 grams (Beaker) 104 grams (Water)
What is “Volume”?
Coke vs. Diet Coke: What is the difference between regular Coke and Diet Coke? VS
Is the volume of a can of Coke the same as a can of Diet Coke? Hmmm…
Yep! Both have a volume of 12 fluid ounces!
Is the mass of a can of coke the same as a can of diet coke?
Coke vs Diet Coke
Density: Density is a measure of how much of a substance is packed into a space. Vs.
Which object is more dense? Why?
Both 100 cm3
Example: Density = 45 grams = 15 g/cm3 3 cm3 For every cubic centimeter of volume, I have 15 grams of mass!
Density: Denser things sink. Lese dense things float. I’m at the top so I am the least dense! I’m at the bottom so I am the most dense!
Increasing density
What is the second most dense substance? 1 2 3 4 5
#4! Dense things sink and #4 is second closest to the bottom! 1 2 3 4 5
What is the second least dense substance? 1 2 3 4 5
#2! Lower density items float and #2 is second closest to the top! 1 2 3 4 5
What is the most dense substance? 1 2 3 4 5
#5! Dense things sink and #5 is at the very bottom! 1 2 3 4 5
What is the least dense substance? 1 2 3 4 5
#1! Low density items float and #1 is at the very top! 2 3 4 5