Population Surface km 2 Capital city Warsaw
Poland borders with: -west of Germany, - to the south of the Czech Republic and Slovakia - east of Ukraine and Belarus, - to the north of Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad circuit).
Polish cities In Poland we have 908 cities. The biggest is capital city – Warsaw and the smallest is Wyśmierzyce (858 people). Warsaw is almost 2000 times bigger. Other big cities in Poland:
Rivers in Poland
Climate in Poland
Trends and major economic production results in agriculture Agriculture land area [10 3 ha] Share in total sown area [%] -Basic cereals 59,3 -Potatoes 4,4 -Industrial plants 7,3 Catles, pigs, sheeps and horses in terms of large heads 80,1 per 100 ha of agricultural land Agriculture output (current prices) per 1 ha of agriculture land in PLN -Gross output Final output Market output 3485
Agriculture area by land type
Gross agriculture output [mln PLN] Total 79706,6 Crop output 41682,0 -Cereals 14238,4 -Potatoes 4228,6 -Industrial 5665,5 -Vegetables 5607,8 -Fruits 3406,2 -Meadow hay 2000,6 -Others 6534,9
Sow area
Cattle, pigs, sheep and horses in thousand heads
Procurement of agricultural products [ m ln PLN] Crop products 11678,0 -Cereals 4213,6 -Consumer pulses 16,6 -Potatoes 355,2 -Sugra beets 1255,0 -Vegetables 956,5 -Fruit 1426,4 -Meadow hay 1,1
Procurement of agricultural products [mln PLN] Animal products 25464,7 -Cattle 2557,3 -Pigs 8060,4 -Sheep 12,7 -Horses 107,2 -Poultry 5941,7 -Cows milk 7956,3 -Consumer hen eggs 105,8 -Sheep s greasy wool 0,3
IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY SECTIONS Live animals; animal products: imports – 2563 in million euro exports – 3636 in million euro Vegetable products: imports – 2488 in million euro exports – 2337 in million euro Prepared foodstuffs: imports – 3839 in million euro exports – 5269 in million euro
JAN PAWEŁ II – JOHN PAUL II The first Pole elected pope (16.X IV.2005). He was a pope 26 and half years. He was died on 2.IV He was beatified on 1.V.2011.
FRYDERYK CHOPIN Composer and pianist. Created mazurkas, ballades, etudes, preludes, sonatas, concertos and other musical genres.
MARIA SKŁODOWSKA- CURIE Eminent Polish physicist and chemist. She working on obtaining and using radioactivity with her husband Pierre Curie in Paris.
MIKOŁAJ KOPERNIK Polish astronomer, physician and priest, developed the heliocentric model of the solar system.
LECH WAŁĘSA Polish politician and union activist, Polish president in The Man of 1981, according to the magazine Time and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983.
LEONID HURWICZ He was Russian – born American economist and mathematician. His nationality of origin was Polish. He has received the Nobel Prize in 2007, when he was 90 years old.
ADAM MAŁYSZ Polish ski jumper. Olympic multimedalist. The most successful jumper in the history of the individual world championship competitions in ski jumping.
We are the student of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Wrocław the meeting place -Capital city of Lower Silesia, -river flowing through the Wrocław – Odra.
Famous places in Wrocław - Cathedral Island
Famous places in Wrocław Market place
Famous places in Wrocław -Centennial Hall -Wrocław University
Famous places in Wrocław -Dwarfs -National Museum -Opera
At Centennial Hall is home to one of the largest and most spectacular fountains in Europe
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