R&D for SuperB detector Giuliana Rizzo – silicon work in Italy - strips and pixel Aaron Roodman - what is needed for a new tracking chamber, results on radiation damage to the BaBar cells and the status of the Belle DC work. Blair Ratcliff - recent results on fast DIRC at SLAC Peter Kirzan - R&D on aerogel PID for a SuperB detector, and status of Japanese work on TOP detector. David Hitlin - calorimeter R&D work at Cal Tech on liquid helium and LSO crystals.
Discussion of the R&D prgram. Following Francesco and David - * beam pipe design ; * new thin vertex detector ; pixels and strips, both thin ; * gas tracker (probably small cell, fast gas) ; * EC calorimter ;[can we anneal the current crystals ? ] new LSO crystal R&D ; * muon chambers in the iron flux return ; * pipelined data aquisition and new trigger ;