R&D of MPPC in kyoto M.taguchi
picture I will show you real one later!
MPPC(Multi pixel photon coutner) MPPC characters: 100~1000 APD pixel in 1mm2 Each pixel operates as Geiger mode (independent of input light) The output is a sum of all the APD signals Compact Low-cost Insensitive to the magnetic field Low bias voltage :30~75V High gain:105~107
Raw signal and ADC hist of MPPC 2 1 Great performance for photon counting
History of R&D 2005.Apr~ measurement of fundamental performance feedback to HPK 2005.Nov beamtest@KEK 2005.Dec laser test of the sample we used at beamtest 2006.Jan we got the new samples 2006.Feb feedback to HPK 2006.Mar~ laser test of the new samples 2006.May feeback to HPK Now at this stage
Summary of the parameter of the new sample type # of pixel gain Cross talk PDE(MPPC)/QE(PMT) HPK32 400 6.55×105 0.11 2.1 HPK53 100 2.64×106 0.21 @noise rate=800kHz,T=20℃
Uniformity in 1pixel gain efficiency RMS/mean=2% HPK53(100pixel) bias=68.8V 1pixel gain laser 100μm RMS/mean=2%
Uniformity of each pixel efficiency Uniformity of each pixel HPK53(100pixel) Bias=68.8V RMS/mean=3% gain Total 100pixel RMS/mean=3%
N-Grid P0D FGD ECAL SMRD Elec. Noise (TH) 10~40kHz Gain 1E5~1E6 Linearity ~10PE >200 ~100 #Pixels >100 >1000 >500 Target (MIP) 10 20 15 Dynamic Range <2000 Timing Resolution ~10ns ~2ns 2.5ns Sensor diameter 1mm 1.2mm 1.1mm Package Size <10mm <5mm PDE >15% Threshold (TH) >1.5 >1.5(2.5) >0.5 For 16ch 7fc Noise (TH) 10~40kHz
Summary and future plan The new samples satisfy T2K requirement We can use MPPC in T2K (particularly in On-Axis) Study Individualtiy of large number of samples Readout electronics Packaging Beamtest of S type scintillator with MPPC
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Measurement of gain MPPC gain Q = e・(amp gain) amp Blue LED Measurement of gain Charge sensitive ADC amp X10~100 MPPC 電荷量 # event 0p.e 1p.e Caluculate charge of 1p.e MPPC gain Q = Q e・(amp gain) 素電荷
Measurement of gain 311-53-1A-002-1 311-32-1A-002-5 3×106 1×106 15℃ 20℃ 20℃ 1×106 25℃ 25℃ 68.4 69.6 68.4 69.4 Bias V Bias V
Crosstalk measurement Crosstalk‥ photons emitted from one pixel during the Geiger discharge causes the Geiger discharge at neighboring pixels ・Assuming 2p.e noise is caused by crosstalk of 1p.e noise(accidental coincidence of 1p.e noise is negligible) Data taken by random trigger Crosstalk rate = 1.5p.e 0.5p.e
Measurement of crosstalk 15℃ 15℃ 15℃ 0.3 0.3 20℃ 20℃ 20℃ 25℃ 25℃ 25℃ 68.4 69.6 68.4 69.4 Bias V Bias V
Beamtest @KEK in Nov.2005 setup Motivation (more than 5p.e for MIP) 0.5~1.4GeV/c proton & pion ~100 event/spill beam size 1x1cm2 Motivation ・Can the light yield for T2K near detector be obtained? beam 64ch MAPMT (as reference) (more than 5p.e for MIP) HPK100e or Russian SiPM 4 layers Scintillator 1.3x2.5x50 cm3 (used in K2K scibar detector) 1mmΦ fiber
Beamtest@KEK(cont’d) MPPC type MPPC p.e for MIP PMT p.e for MIP Ratio of MPPC p.e with PMT(%) HPK100#13 9.9 18.3 54 HPK100#14 10.2 18.2 56 HPK100#16 13.3 73 Russian600#13 22.9 126 Russian600#14 17.1 94 ・The measured PDE including optical contact for HPK100 and Russian SiPM are about 0.7 and 1.0 of PMT, so obtained light yield is consistent with the expectation considering the misalignment of a fiber
Uniformity in 1pixel gain crosstalk efficiency RMS/mean=1.7% HPK32(400pixel) bias=68.8V gain crosstalk 0.25 RMS/mean=1.6%
Uniformity of each pixel efficiency Uniformity of each pixel HPK32(400pixel) Bias =68.8V RMS/mean=3.4% crosstalk gain 0.18 RMS/mean=2.9% RMS/mean=16%