What does this mean?
Religious studies B: Religion and Life issues AQA module 2 Religion and Planet Earth Religious studies B: Religion and Life issues AQA module 2 2.3 Caring for planet Earth 2.9 Looking after the world 2.10 Religious responses to environmental issues
Starter: What do these words mean? Awe: Wonder: Responsibility:
Key terms from last lesson Awe: a feeling of respect; insight into meaning greater than oneself Wonder: marvelling at the complexity and beauty of the universe Responsibility: duty, the idea that we are in charge of our own actions
Caring and looking after planet Earth L.O: To understand the idea of stewardship To explore religious responses to taking care of the Earth Outcomes: I can explain how Christians and Muslims believe we should look after the Earth I can fully explain stewardship from religious perspectives
Key terms Stewardship: the idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God Conservation: looking after the environment and protecting animals Earth Summits: informal name for United Nations Conferences on Environment and Development Sustainable development: development which takes into consideration the impact on natural world for future generations
How do we all care for the Earth? Caring for the Earth? How do we all care for the Earth?
What is your opinion on these statements? God created the Earth with the right condition to sustain life God created all living things, including people The world really belongs to God, not to human beings Plants, fish, birds and animals were created for people to use to make the Earth a beautiful place to live God deliberately made living things capable of reproducing life naturally, so nature continues God’s work in the creation of new life
Who are these people? What do they do? Stewardship: the idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
Stewardship The religious idea that people have a special responsibility to be in charge of the Earth, to protect and care for it Religious people have a duty to look after the Earth because they believe God made the Earth for them Religious people believe God will judge them when they die on how they have looked after the Earth. People who believe in reincarnation want to look after the Earth as they believe they will return back to it
Religious ideas Islam teaches that humans are KHALIFAHS (Trustees of Allah’s world). It is our responsibility to look after God’s Earth. By abusing the authority given to us by God we are insulting Him. Allah knows who has damaged his creation and that person will face punishment on Judgment Day. It is an act of Worship to look after the world. The idea of the UMMAH (Muslim community) means we have a duty to pass on the world to the next generations in a good condition.
Religious ideas God said to, ‘rule over...every living creature’ A more modern view is that Christians have a duty to conserve and look after the Earth for future generations Just because humans were put in charge of the Earth it does not give them permission to abuse, spoil, waste or destroy what God has made Christians oppose all thoughtless exploitation of nature that threatens human life
Religious believers and the environment The government think faith/religious groups are very important to the environment, especially towards sustainable development Faith groups promote fair trade and help people to think about what they are buying Faith groups and charities are working together to ensure people in the developing world receive help Two examples of charities working for a difference are CAFOD, who has a ‘Live Simply’ campaign and Islamic Relief who has projects working to provide aid and assistance is poverty stricken countries. They are working for justice for the poor, which means richer nations not using as many of the worlds natural resources
PREP: Make a leaflet on ‘looking after the world’ Use Pages 46 and 47 to help you Things to include: Conservation Earth Summits Targets to reduce carbon emissions Sustainable development Key terms Religious responses Religious believers and the environment
Exam questions a) What is stewardship? (1 mark) b) Give two reasons why many religious believers support CAFOD and Islamic Relief. (2 marks) c) Explain the attitudes of religious people to looking after the world (6 marks) Refer to religious teachings in your answer. Try to refer to more than one religion! What do Christians think? What do Muslims think?
Peer assessment a) Correct definition? Look back in your book to check! b) Given TWO reasons? and explanations? c) Referred to TWO religions? Written THREE proper explained paragraphs? Give it a mark out of 9 and say WHY YOU GIVE IT THAT MARK!!! One good thing One area to improve Sign the peer assessment