PROBIOTIC Frequently Asked Questions A brief outlook about frequently asked questions about Probiotics Feel free to ask your physician or pharmacist about any additional information regarding probiotics. To change this brochure, replace our sample content with your own. Or, if you'd rather start from a clean slate, press the New Slide button on the Home tab to insert a new page. Now enter your text and pictures in the empty placeholders. If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, copy any of the existing placeholders, then drag the new one into place. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, select and delete them before you print.
What are probiotics? Contact Us How often should probiotics be taken? Are some probiotic strains better than others? Probiotics contain anywhere between 1 to 10 billion colony-forming units or “CFUs”. To maintain proper microorganism balance, take a probiotic of 1-2 million CFUs daily or every other day. Some probiotics decrease chances of diarrhea, while others help improve your immune system. Determining which strain is best for why you are taking probiotics is what determines how well the probiotic works. Why are some probiotics refrigerated? Before purchasing any probiotic, make sure to look at the instructions on the bottle. If they contain active, live cultures (bacteria), they typically must be refrigerated. If they aren’t, the microorganisms could die before you swallow them. What are probiotics? how quick can i expect the probiotic to take action? Change requires time. You usually won’t feel results from the probiotic instantly, and the same goes for many natural supplements. It depends on your unique microbiome (fancy word for microorganisms in your body) and the probiotic you are taking. Some people see benefits within hours, and for some it could take a few weeks. They are small organisms located in the gut. These supplements help: 1) Support a weight management program 2) Promote a healthy immune system 3) Prevent occasional diarrhea or constipation Are refrigerated probiotics better than shelf-stabled? Being refrigerated doesn’t necessarily mean it works more efficiently. It only means the certain strains of bacteria require a cooler temperature to remain active for treatment. who should take probiotics? Probiotics help as a dietary supplement. They increase the “good bacteria” in your gut. People who take antibiotics or do not intake enough through their diet should consider probiotics as a choice. Consult your physician or pharmacist for more information. *People who have immune deficiency or are being treated for cancer should consult their physician . Contact Us