The language of televisional advertisement Migli Lisa 5^A
How does it work? Linguistical devices they appeal to senses (sight, hearing etc.): - assonances - rhymes - repetitions - peculiar word order - metaphorical or metonymical language AIM : to stick the message into the watcher’s (or listener’s) mind in order to sell the most number of goods.
A practical demonstration: Rowenta’s Hairdryer
The televisional advertisement It shows a wonderful and technological hairdryer: Powerful Beautiful Innovative Handy Silent
The metaphorical message THE METAPHOR OF THE FAWN A woman is making use of Rowenta’s hairdryer not even a fawn gets scared by its noise: Idea of something like “silent as a fawn”; Technological product it respects the environment ; It stimulates the unconscious if you buy it, you will contribute to an healthy world.
Let’s consider the brand’s message … Rowenta, INTELLIGENT BEAUTY the woman in the advertisement has got shimmering and soft hair: if you buy the hairdryer, you will be contemporary smart and beautiful.
… and the brand’s motto Rowenta, per chi non si accontenta. The rhyme Rowenta – accontenta sticks the brand into the listener’s mind. Moreover , it makes the listener feel good the expression per chi non si accontenta suggests the idea of a clever and responsible consumer.
What’s the function of Rowenta’s advertisement? It suggests the idea of a very technological and smart product (for example it can automatically define the temperature); It appeals to senses and to the unconscious sphere “It is worth its weight in gold”; Final message: buy it and you will buy a responsible and clever lifestyle!