A SURVEY OF DISEASES IN THE DAIRY HERD AT THE KANYARIRI FARM. (2013) Wangombe J. (2013) SUPERVISOR: DR. T.O.ABUOM Abstract This study was designed to show the disease spread and the risk factors associated with the spread of diseases in a dairy herd. The study was carried out at the Veterinary Farm that is located at Kanyariri Village. The study mainly focused on the distribution of diseases according to seasons. The disease morbidity data was collected in the period between September to December 2012. The most common conditions encountered at the dairy section of the Veterinary Farm were pneumonia (36.2%) and dystocia (13.79%). Most of the diseases occurred during the rainy (48.28%) and cold months (43.1%). Pneumonia had the highest prevalence in the rainy season and the cold season with a percentage of 17.24% in both seasons. In the warm season there were fewer conditions that were reported. In conclusion it was noted that infectious diseases such as pneumonia were common during the wet and cold season and there disease control measures should be intensified during these periods.