Welcome to 6th grade at Boonville Elementary!
The sixth grade team is: Mrs. Maske - math & science Ms. Transou - language arts & SS Each student will have both teachers every day all year.
Expectations Attendance- The single best thing you can do for your child is to make sure he/she is at school everyday. Work- Students need to give their best effort the first time and every time. Behavior- Classroom disruptions cause everyone to miss out on educational opportunities
Attendance is VERY important. The school day is from 8:00-3:00. When absent, STUDENTS are responsible for asking for make-up work and returning it in a timely manner.
If a student is tardy OR picked up early, they must have a note from the doctor. After 3 tardies or early dismissals, students will be required to make up time during a working lunch. *Please refer to page 83 in the student handbook for the revised policy.
Home/School Communication Each Friday, a folder with graded work and communication comes home. Please review this information and return folder on Monday. Students write down their homework in planners daily. Reading logs are recorded in planners. Please check and initial EACH night, Monday - Thursday.
Behavior Team Approach involves grade appropriate expectations and weekly goals Rewards are planned and ongoing, and include Respect Club on Fridays Being prepared is vital Student responsibility is a must
Snacks Healthy snacks are allowed. (fruit, granola bars, pretzels, etc) No candy – suckers and other hard candies are NOT considered a snack. Please bring individual portions. Sharing causes disruptions. Students may keep a water bottle with them and it may contain ONLY water.
Lockers Do not store anything of value in lockers No locks are issued
Schedules ENCORE classes - 8:30 -9:15 Transou’s homeroom: PE- Days 2 and 4 Art- Day 3 Computer- Day 5 Media- Day 1 Music- Day 6 Sixth grade lunch: 12:20-12:50
Schedules ENCORE classes - 8:30-9:15 Maske’s homeroom: PE- Days 3 and 6 Art- Day 4 Computer- Day 2 Media- Day 5 Music- Day 1 Sixth grade lunch: 12:20-12:50
PARENTS: Please sign in, and provide a mobile phone number if you’d like to receive text reminders this year. Fill out required forms and return by Wednesday.
PARENTS: Please sign up to help with fall festival October 27th. We need volunteers and ideas to make this event great!