El examen es miércoles, 25 de febrero 7A – Study Guide for Test El examen es miércoles, 25 de febrero
A. You will look at a picture of a store window & have to point out clothing & how much it costs. Know the following: that (masc.) ese 6. that (fem.) esa those (masc.) esos 7. those (fem.) esas pants pantalones 8. Dress vestido Suit traje 9. boots botas blouse blusa 10. Skirt falda
Write out the following numbers: 35 treinta y cinco 200 doscientos 80 ochenta 50 cincuenta 18 dieciocho 25 veinticinco
ESTE ESE ESTA ESA ESTOS ESOS ESTAS ESAS B. You will fill in the blanks with demonstrative adjectives. Fill in the chart with the 8 demonstrative adjectives this masc. singular ESTE that masc. singular ESE this fem. singular ESTA that fem. singular ESA these masc. plural ESTOS those masc. plural ESOS these fem. plural ESTAS those fem. plural ESAS
C. You will fill in the blanks of a conversation between two people, you will be using querer, preferir & pensar. What does querer mean? TO WANT, TO LOVE What does preferir mean? TO PREFER What does pensar mean? TO THINK OR PLAN
Conjugate stem-changing verbs
Listening – You will listen as people explain to a clerk in a department store why they are returning or exchanging items they received as gifts. Know the following vocabulary words, they will help you as you listen:
probablemente = probably toda = all, everything un hombre = a man Reading – You will look at a chart of clothing orders & answer 6 True/False statements about the chart. Give the English for the following words, they will help you understand more easily what you are reading: probablemente = probably toda = all, everything un hombre = a man la misma = the same
Write out the following numbers: 1. 150 ciento cincuenta 2. 300 trescientos 3. 350 trescientos cincuenta 4. 400 cuantrocientos 5. 500 quinientos 6. 700 setecientos
Writing – You will fill in an order form for an online catalog company Writing – You will fill in an order form for an online catalog company. Translate the following statements into Spanish, remember agreement (masculine, feminine, singular & plural). One small orange jacket Una chaqueta anaranjada pequeña 2. One pair of large brown shoes Unos zapatos morados grandes 3. Three pairs of large black socks Tres pares de calcetines negros grandes 4. One small white and blue baseball cap Una gorra azul y blanca pequeña 5. Two large t-shirts, one green and one red Dos camisetas grandes, una verde y una roja
CULTURA: Read TB 338. In 3 complete English sentences, explain • what a mola is, • how it’s made and • what the colorful designs represents.