The Foundation of Capability: A unique approach to assessing a regional healthcare system’s capability to maintain the provision of critical functions during emergencies
Objectives Describe Establish Provide Describe emerging practices and theories that can be applied to improve community preparedness and community resilience at the local, state, tribal, and national levels. Describe Establish the foundation for conducting a high quality, regional healthcare capability assessment by providing an outline for project scope, key stakeholder identification and essential elements of information. Establish Provide a examples of how the coalition’s response validated many of the findings in the assessment. Provide Objectives
Problem Statement How can a regional view of healthcare capability bolster a networked approach for emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation?
Project Description A comprehensive assessment Whole Healthcare Community Regional approach Opportunity to network Breadth of Stakeholders Data Driven Conditions and Events Subjective Data Objective Data Capabilities Base Hazard impact on regional healthcare capability Interconnected capability and vulnerability
Process Comparison Singular vs. Networked Chart Approach Facility focused Event specific Separate from mitigation strategy Networked Approach Common vulnerabilities and system-wide issues Opportunity to bridge gaps Highlights interdependencies
Project Outcome Lessons Learned History of development Events and Conditions Critical infrastructure; supply chain, access, labor pool, etc. Regional vs. Facility Conditions Critical functions Mitigation Strategy Prioritized gaps Strength of network The full picture Project Outcome
Outcome Comparison Singular vs. Networked Networked Approach Chart Approach All Hazards conditions General overview Regional assessment of impact Relative risk Short range Mitigation strategy Resilience
Utilizing the Outcome Multi-faceted Facility or Organization Level Regional Capability Ongoing Mitigation Hurricane Matthew
Contact Will Moorhead, JD All Clear Emergency Management Group 336-802-1800