Rubric for Annotated Reading Emerging Mastery Basic Proficient Advanced Some proper nouns and proper adjectives are double-underlined. Annotations do not clearly identify the main idea or annotations include several details that are not appropriate or necessary. Student inconsistently circles words or ideas that they have questions about or need help understanding. Most proper nouns and proper adjectives are double-underlined. Annotations make the main idea clear but include too few ideas that are appropriate, interesting, and necessary or do not include notes in the margins. OR Annotations include too many details which makes the main ideas less clear. Student honestly circles words or ideas that they have questions about or need help understanding. Almost all proper nouns and proper adjectives are double-underlined. Annotations make the main ideas of the article clear and include the right amount of appropriate, interesting, or necessary details. AND Notes in the margins help demonstrate what students are thinking about while reading or notes help to organize ideas in the article. Student honestly circles words or ideas that they have questions about or Student has chosen a reading with a more advanced Lexile level. All proper nouns and proper adjectives are double-underlined. Annotations and notes in the margins make connections to topics not explicitly mentioned or even taught yet in class. Every question is meaningful. The significance of the article is made clear.