Energy Resources
Learning objectives To learn how fossil fuels were formed and how they are obtained To consider how long they may last.
Carbon based energy forms These have provided the majority of the worlds energy since the early industrial revolution. They are:
How Coal was formed o_id=40991
Where is the coal? Coal resources are located by geologists. It is thought that most of the world’s resources have already been located, but the continent of Antarctica remains unexploited.
How is coal mined? Originally harvested by hand this picture from NE England (Billy Elliot territory) shows the practice still taking place in 1939.
Early pit mines A medieval bell pit from Scotland (originally started in the 1200s)
What you would see today in the hills near Manchester
Mine Shafts (adits) As this 16th century German drawing shows mines became more complex
Today Modern Mechanised USA More typical and traditional Pakistan
Open Cast coal mines Much more high tech, much more impact on surface environment, much more economical.
Do this activity – on blackboard
How are crude oil/natural gas formed http://www.planet- 7470023822861761791#
How oil and gas are formed contd
How and where we find oil
Natural oil seepage (Azerbaijan)
How oil is obtained On land At sea
First oil well Titusville, Pennsylvania, US 1859. Drake’s well today
Natural gas Gas rigs being built in Scotland
World reserves and usage Fossil fuels will remain the primary sources of energy, meeting more than 90% of the increase in demand. Global oil demand will rise by about 1.7% per year, from 75mb/d in 2000 to 120mb/d in 2030. World reserves (recent estimate) 1077498 million barrels = about 25 ½ years supply at predicted 2030 usage
Where the oil is
Known resources (mid 2000s)
Other factors to consider 1. More may be found (Antarctica!) 2. Usage may grow more or less than predicted 3. Value will increase making currently uneconomic reserves workable 4. Cost may increase reducing consumption. 5. Global warming may become catastrophic and fossil fuel use may have to stop.
Gas reserves
Los Heroes
Homework Oil formation (in teams) Draw a poster to show the process of oil formation and its extraction. Include 1. the stages of its production 2. information explaining how the oil is formed 3. Information showing time scale 4. Include it against a background of world oil producing areas. 5. Include images showing its extraction explaining what is being shown. (5 marks per section)