Writing Fluency
Writing Fluency #1 If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip around the world, who would you take and why? What places would you make sure you traveled to on this trip?
Writing Fluency #2 You are about to read the story, “The Most Dangerous Game”. Using each of the words below, make predictions regarding what YOU think the story might be about. hunting reason ship survival dangerous mansion dogs island game.
Writing Fluency #3 The question is “Who is the better hunter Rainsford or Zaroff and why?” Think about this carefully as there is evidence that Zaroff lost on purpose. If you do decide that Zaroff is the better hunter, why do you think he would lose on purpose? If you think that Rainsford is the better hunter, how do you think he has been changed by this hunt? Did you like the story?
Writing Fluency #3 Why did Rainsford kill General Zaroff? The general had said, "You have won the game." Were there any alternatives to killing Zaroff? Be sure to use evidence from the story to support your answer. How could the ending of the story have been different?
Writing Fluency #4 Write about the greatest gift you have ever received. Describe the gift, who gave it to you, and the circumstances around how you were given the gift.
Writing Fluency #5 You have an extra $100,000 to give away; you cannot spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money?
Writing Fluency #5 How have conditions changed for women since the 1950s. What rights do women have now that they didn’t have then? What inequalities do you think women still experience today? Can you think of any examples from today that downplay or limit what girls can do?
Writing Fluency #6 A leader should always make decisions on his own. A person should tell the truth to his friends. A person should tell the truth to his enemies. Humans are the only people responsible for what happens in their lives. If someone does something to offend me, I must get back at them. If someone offends me and apologizes, I should forgive them. It is possible for people to predict the future. When it comes to romantic relationships, opposites attract. It is better to be smart than strong. A spouse should remain faithful to his wife (or to her husband).
Writing Fluency #6/7 An odyssey is defined in the dictionary as a journey with many adventures. Write about the best trip you have ever been on. Describe where you went, who you went with, and any adventures that happened along the way.
Writing Fluency #7/8 In the coming episodes of The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men's bravery will be tested. What is your greatest fear? Why do you have that fear? Has that fear ever been tested? Do you think it will ever be tested? How did you behave when it was tested? Or how would you behave if it was tested?