barrage NOUN an overwhelming quantity or explosion (of words, hits, criticisms, etc.)
inclined to or favoring war or strife bellicose ADJECTIVE inclined to or favoring war or strife
fully informed and aware cognizant ADJECTIVE fully informed and aware
a secret agreement, esp. for fraudulent or treacherous purposes collusion NOUN a secret agreement, esp. for fraudulent or treacherous purposes
inessential or irrelevant extraneous ADJECTIVE inessential or irrelevant
hegemony NOUN leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation or social group over others
hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused nebulous ADJECTIVE hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused
an example serving as a model paradigm NOUN an example serving as a model
enthusiastic approval plaudit NOUN enthusiastic approval
unctuous ADJECTIVE characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, esp. in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug