Kant and Abortion Starter – Mini-whiteboards!!! LO s To evaluate your the clarity and depth of the notes of others To revisit possible Kantian approach to abortion
If this is the answer what is the question? 1 – universalisable and treat others as ends 2 – if you want y then do x 3 – for its own sake 4 – that it claims to be deontological but the summum bonum makes its teleological 5 – highest good 6 – kingdom of ends 7 – kongisberg 8 – emotion 9 – belief that the choice of the mother is central 10 – removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive
Evaluation of Notes Swap books and colour code them according to the key categories Bottom of each page, write one keyword/phrase that can be seen at a glance At the end – one piece of advice to improve
3 – possible exam questions 1 – thing that you need to focus on Book Back 5 – key quotes 3 – possible exam questions 1 – thing that you need to focus on
Plenary – Remember this!!! A married 34 year old woman is raped whilst walking home from work. She does not tell her husband due to a sense of shame. A month later, she finds out she is pregnant. It would be her first child. Distraught and confused, she does not act or even tell her husband until the 12 week scan, where she discovers that the foetus has Down's syndrome. She tells her husband, Immanuel Kant, what is his advice?
Version 2 - A married 34 year old woman is raped whilst walking home from work in a country where abortion is illegal. She does not tell her husband due to a sense of shame. A month later, she finds out she is pregnant. It would be her first child. Distraught and confused, she does not act or even tell her husband until the 12 week scan, where she discovers that the foetus has Down's syndrome. She tells her husband, Immanuel Kant, what is his advice?
Version 3 - A married 34 year old woman is impregnated by her loving husband. A month later, she finds out she is pregnant. It would be her first child. Distraught and confused, she does not act or even tell her husband until the 12 week scan, where she discovers that the foetus has Down's syndrome. She tells her husband, Immanuel Kant, what is his advice?
Version 4 - A married 34 year old woman is raped whilst walking home from work. She does not tell her husband due to a sense of shame. A month later, she finds out she is pregnant. It would be her first child. Distraught and confused, she tells her husband straight away (after two weeks) what is his advice?
MUST – Include key abortion definitions and Kantian ethics application Homework Using handouts, create a revision factfile/booklet for abortion MUST – Include key abortion definitions and Kantian ethics application SHOULD – Reference to Singer, Locke, Tooley and Ensoulment COULD – Take real life recent cases and apply Kantian ethics to them