7th Grade Week 26 Agenda & Obj. 2/25/13-3/1/13 Monday: Novel Study By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain specific words and phrases; etc. Tuesday & Thursday: Poetry • Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. • Analyze how a drama’s or poem’s form or structure (e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to its meaning. Wednesday: Computer Lab Friday: Grammar & Wrap-up Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.
Daily Writing: Trust 2/25/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.” ~Bo Bennett “Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks.” ~Isaac Watts
Quiz Friday on poetry and Part 7 & 8. Monday: Novel Study While I check study guide questions part 8, review poetry vocab, vocab 7 and 8. Quiz on Friday will be on parts 7 and 8 because I’m not happy with the majority of the scores. If you do really well on the quiz on Friday, I’ll take the average of your scores. STUDY! Planner: Due tomorrow: Print/rewrite your favorite poem or lyrics to your favorite song or poem Don’t forget to write down the title and author. Quiz Friday on poetry and Part 7 & 8. Book nomination no later than Friday, March 1. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
Go through quiz part 7. Any questions? Monday: Novel Study Go through quiz part 7. Any questions? 4 corners review of study guide questions ONLY: Carry with you your notebook with study guide questions part 7 & 8. QUIETLY walk to one of the corners. Write something you remembered from the study guide questions or the novel on the piece of paper. I will ask a question to the table. The person who buzzes in first and answers the question correctly, can stay in the game. LISTEN while your peers are answering the questions! Play vocab charades/Pictionary with poetry vocab, and vocab 7 & 8. Play vocab Bingo.
Daily Writing: Believe 2/26/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” ~Norman Vincent Peale “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” ~Dalai Lama
Show me your favorite poem/song – make sure your name is on it! Tuesday: Poetry Show me your favorite poem/song – make sure your name is on it! Announcement: NEW way of handing out extra homework. Make sure you clean your desk AND check your desk before class starts! Have you checked out my website lately? It should be your favorite!! Let’s check it out. Planner: Quiz Friday on poetry and Part 7 & 8. Book nomination no later than Friday, March 1. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
Listen to “You Wanted More” and follow along with the lyrics: Tuesday: Poetry Listen to “You Wanted More” and follow along with the lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/t/tonic/you+wanted+more_10234179.html As a class identify: Stanza & lines Poetic devices What is this song about?
Tuesday: Poetry On the back of your poem, or on a separate sheet of paper stapled to your poem: Identify the stanzas & lines. Identify multiple literary devices (make sure to rewrite the lines) What is this poem about? Explain in detail! How does this poem make you feel? Students share their favorite poem/song. Identify different literary devices. If you didn’t bring in a copy of your favorite poem: Use “Home” by Phillip Phillips and identify poetic devise: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/phillip_phillips/home.html
Tuesday: Poetry Poetry factory line! Similar to the writing game we played when we were upstairs. Everyone starts off a poem and writes just one line. Obviously, these poems need to make sense. The first line needs to introduce the topic The second line needs to have a simile. The third line needs alliteration. The fourth and fifth line needs to include rhyme. The sixth line needs to include a metaphor. The seventh line needs to include personification.
Does it meet our standards: Tuesday: Poetry Share finished poems. Does it meet our standards: The first line needs to introduce the topic. The second line needs to have a simile. The third line needs alliteration. The fourth and fifth line needs to include rhyme. The sixth line needs to include a metaphor. The seventh line needs to include personification.
Daily Writing: Human Nature 2/27/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: If you could do something without anyone finding out, what would you do and why? Have you ever had to ask for forgiveness? Did you receive it? Explain.
Wednesday: Computer Lab Any late or extra homework to hand in? Let me see your planner. Planner: Typed/printed essay due tomorrow! Quiz Friday on poetry and Part 7 & 8. Book nomination no later than Friday, March 1. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
Wednesday: Computer Lab Type your essay! When you’re done: E-mail it to yourself AND print it. Make sure it’s in MLA format! If you don’t have it printed by the end of the period, e-mail what you have to yourself, finish it for homework. Print it by tomorrow. I want you to e-mail it to yourself besides printing because we may make more edits. WHEN I SAY THERE IS ONLY FIVE MINUTES START E-MAILING YOURSELF AND CLEANING UP!!! Do NOT wait until the last minute. Except for 5th period 8B, you don’t need to shut down your computer. But please be sure to: Close all windows. Push in your chair. Clean up your area.
Daily Writing: Choice 2/28/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” ~Wayne Dyer “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hand in your essay! Any other extra or late homework to hand in? Thursday: Poetry Hand in your essay! Any other extra or late homework to hand in? You guys were REALLY awesome in the computer lab yesterday! Some of you need to learn how to manage your time better, but you definitely earned 5 fuzzies! Also, remember to start e-mailing yourself and cleaning up when I give the 3-5 minute announcement. Do NOT keep typing! Planner: Quiz tomorrow on poetry and Part 7 & 8. Free verse poem (Typed or VERY NICELY written) due Monday. Book nomination no later than tomorrow. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
Do NOT write on these! Hand them back after the activity. Thanks! Thursday: Poetry 5 minutes: In groups (next slide), try and figure out the title of the poem (it’s kind of like a riddle!). The first group to get it correct, wins late homework passes for each member (as long as they were participating…). Do NOT write on these! Hand them back after the activity. Thanks!
Thursday: Poetry In groups, determine the title of the poem. Do NOT write on these! Hand them back after the activity. Thanks! Group 1: 7A: Hafsa, Khadija, Wako, Yasin 7B: Idil, Abdullahi A., Zuhayb, Muna, Group 2: 7A: Sundus, Caisha, Abdulahi, Abdisalam 7B: Sagal, Saynab, Omar, Fatma, Jabir Group 3: 7A: Samira, Miski, Asha, Ramadan, Yusuf 7B: Sahra, Siyad, Fatma, Najma, Group 4: 7A: Habsa, Hana, Abdulqadir, Aisha, Hibaaq 7B: Latifa, Abdirahman, Abdullahi H., Habso, Marwan
Thursday: Poetry Clarification: Personification Example: The lightening yells and throws a fit in the evening storm. NOT: The mountain looks like a little hill in the distance. Simile Example: My friend is cool like a cucumber. NOT: My friend is as cool as James Dean. Metaphor Example: He is a solid rock. NOT: He is strong. Alliteration & Rhyme Alliteration: The smooth and swift swindlers robbed the bank in no time. Rhyme: He is a fool Lying in a puddle of drool
Share poems & examples from literature device worksheet. Thursday: Poetry Share poems & examples from literature device worksheet. Poem lines: The first line needs to introduce the topic The second line needs to have a simile. The third line needs alliteration. The fourth and fifth line needs to include rhyme. The sixth line needs to include a metaphor. The seventh line needs to include personification. Go through free verse poem rubric. Hand this in with your poem on Monday or -1!
First, let’s brainstorm… Journal title: Topics Thursday: Poetry First, let’s brainstorm… Journal title: Topics In 3-5 minutes, write as many topics that come to your head (they could be people, places, issues/problems, stories, situations, ANYTHING!). Journal title: Narrowing Topic Take 5 minutes or so to decide on a topic and write words that you associate with that topic. Journal title: Drafting my Free Verse Poem Start writing your poem, making edits along the way! Free Verse Poem due Monday (on a separate piece of paper – typed or very nicely written)!
Daily Writing: Peace 3/1/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.” ~William Hazlitt What does it mean to be at peace with yourself? Describe in detail.
Free verse poem (Typed or VERY NICELY written) Friday: Quiz/Wrap up Hand in your book nomination. Quiz! NO TALKING! When you’re finished, raise your hand, and read silently or work on your vocab or poem. Planner: Due Monday: Vocab Part 9 Free verse poem (Typed or VERY NICELY written)